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Tori looked up at me. “Can we all go talk outside?” She nodded her head towards Zander, who still had his eyes closed.

I nodded, and Lola and Tori got up and headed out. I took a quick look at the stricken shifter and went into the corridor with the ladies.

“Lola’s optimistic she might be able to do something with magic to help Zander,” Tori said hopefully.

“Magic?” I repeated. We stood in the crowded medical bay, surrounded by the injured and recovering, but all I could focus on was Tori and the possibility of saving Zander.

“Yeah, but she’s not sure where to start,” Tori continued. “She doesn’t have any family who knows about her witch ancestry, so she doesn’t know who to ask for help.”

“Is there someone else we could find? A different witch, maybe?” I suggested, my mind racing with possibilities. The thought of losing Zander forever was unbearable. We needed someone with experience, not a psychiatrist with brand-new magic.

Tori’s face sobered. “The only thing I can think of is to track down Giselle. I can’t imagine she’d be loyal to anyone except herself. Maybe if we threw enough money at her…” Even as she said the words, her face became a mask of distaste.

I clenched my jaw, trying to suppress the growl forming in my throat. Giselle was the last person I wanted to be involved in this, but would I turn down help if it meant saving Zander? My wolf snarled at the thought.

“Finding that particular witch isn’t an option, and unfortunately, I don’t know any other witches who could train Lola,” I said. “Paranormal beings tend to stick to their own kind, and witches are rare.”

Tori’s face fell, her shoulders drooping as she looked away. I hated seeing her like this, but we had to be realistic.

“Maybe I can do more research,” Lola suggested. “I just wish we knew someone who knew anything concrete about witches.”

“Let me ask around the packs,” I said, my mind already working on a plan. “I might have an idea, but it’s a long shot. My Aunt Lucille has traveled extensively. She might know something. However, with her feral state, there’s no guarantee she’d remember.”

“Anything is worth a try,” Tori said.

“I’ll do what I can. In the meantime, you two focus on research and see if you can figure out any leads.” We had to keep this situation under control as best we could.

“Thank you, Ridge,” Lola whispered, her gratitude evident in her voice. The stakes were high, and time was running out for Zander.

“Of course.” I offered her a small smile.

As Lola went back into Zander’s room, I caught a glimpse of Tori’s injured arm. I had to fight the urge to scoop her up and carry her back to the manor to tend to her wounds.

“There’s nothing else we can do for now,” I said decisively, my voice firm. “Research can be done on a phone from the couch or bed. Let’s go back to the manor.”

Tori shot me a questioning look, but I could see the weariness in her eyes. She had been through so much already, and though she was healing, I had to make sure she was taken care of. My wolf wouldn’t allow any less.

“Ridge, I’m fine,” she protested half-heartedly as I gently guided her out of the hospital towards the car. My wolf snarled at her defiance, but I suppressed it, knowing she was just trying to be strong. Huffing, she got into the car and didn’t say a word to me for the entire drive.

“Let me take care of you,” I whispered, my eyes locking on hers once I parked the car in front of the manor. The raw emotion in my voice seemed to get through to her, and shestopped resisting, allowing me to lead her through the front door.

Once inside, I led her to the bathroom and began to wash the blood off her arm. The sight of it, a stark reminder of her vulnerability, only fueled my need to protect her. As I tended to her wound, my fierce instincts started to calm down. I was doing what was best for both of us.

“Really, Ridge, this is a bit over the top,” Tori teased, a small smile tugging at the corner of her mouth as she watched me fuss over her. Despite her words, I could tell she was secretly enjoying the attention. And who could blame her? It had been so long since she’d experienced this level of care. Even with Kyle back in her life, their relationship wasn’t the same.

“Maybe, but it’s what I need to do,” I replied quietly, finishing up and patting her arm dry. “There. All better.”

“Thank you,” she murmured, leaning in to give me a soft, lingering kiss. The heat of her lips warmed me all over, and it took all my self-control to pull away.

“I haven’t seen Margo since she left with Clawson,” Tori said as we left the bathroom. “What’s going on with them?”

I hesitated, not wanting Tori to feel pressured or like I was dropping hints about our own unclaimed status. But she deserved the truth.

“They’re fated mates,” I said quietly. “They’ve claimed each other, and they’re in the post-claiming stage. It’s a time when the bond solidifies, and inner wolves tend to get hyper-territorial.”

Tori’s eyes widened slightly, but she didn’t say anything more on the topic. Instead, she wrapped her arms around my waist, resting her head against my chest. Her touch grounded me, reminding me that she was here and safe with me—for now.

“Wow, I didn’t expect that,” Tori said, her shock evident in her voice. “I mean, I’m glad Margo found her fated mate, but I can’t believe they mated already. It’s just super sudden.”
