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“That’s how it usually goes.” I rubbed the small of her back. “It’s a lot to take in.”

“Can we check on her?” she asked. “I want to make sure she’s okay and see if she needs me to bring anything over from Diana’s place. It sounds like Clawson didn’t give her much time to pack.”

It took a lot for me not to chuckle. “Knowing how doting mates can be, I doubt Margo is lacking anything. But if it’ll put your mind at ease, we can go see her.”

“Really? You don’t mind?”

“Of course not.” Though my inner wolf growled at the thought of giving her any space, I could tell she was feeling a little uneasy with the talk of fated mates, so I decided to give her some room to breathe. “But first, I need to let Elliot Elkins know about Zander’s situation. We’re going to need all hands on deck to help him find a solution.”

“I get it.” Tori pulled back and looked up at me, understanding in her gaze. “You go do what you have to do. I’ll be okay.”

I sighed, torn between wanting to stay with her and needing to address more pressing matters. I gave her a quick kiss on the forehead. “Let’s go.”

The wind whipped through my hair as I reluctantly dropped Tori off at Margo’s place. My heart ached, wanting to keep her close. I promised myself I would make this quick. After all, I had to tell Elliot Elkins about Zander’s situation. I could do that while Tori checked on her friend.

Driving into town, I saw all the new shifters walking around, seeking shelter in my town, looking to me for leadership and guidance. Every time I saw them, the weight on my shoulders increased. The Tipsy Tavern came into view, and I parked my truck nearby, taking a moment just to breathe. I was juggling so many balls right now—Tori’s fear, Zander’s missing wolf, the hunters’ increased attacks, the new shifters in town. It wasalmost overwhelming. If I could focus on one issue at a time, it would be easier, but I was the alpha. I had to pull myself together.

As I stepped onto the sidewalk, lost in thought, I accidentally bumped into a young man. He’d probably just turned eighteen, and he had an easy smile and bright eyes.

“Sorry about that,” he said, chuckling as he adjusted his camera around his neck.

I tried to hide my surprise. “Ah, no problem.”

Normally, I was the first to know about newcomers or tourists dropping by Blackwood Creek. I had met all the new shifters who had arrived in town when Clawson and I had gone round the packs. Yet, here was this stranger, so obviously out of place.

“Name’s Dean,” he offered, extending a hand.

I shook it hesitantly, still suspicious.

“Ridge. Nice to meet you, Dean.” I forced a small smile, trying not to let my wariness show. This kid seemed innocent enough, oddly charismatic even. But something didn’t sit right with me.

“Likewise. So, Ridge, any recommendations for places I should check out? I’m new around here, if you couldn’t tell.” His laugh was infectious, and despite my suspicions, I found myself warming up to him.

“Uh, sure. There’s a great hiking trail just outside of town. Beautiful views, especially at sunset.”

“Awesome, thanks! I’ll give that a shot.” Dean gave me another friendly grin.

“What brings you to Blackwood Creek?” I asked.

“Photography, mostly,” he replied, patting his camera. “I’m traveling around the country, trying to find some inspiration before I head off to college.”

“Sounds interesting,” I said, not entirely convinced. There was something different about him, something that made my wolf restless.

As if on cue, a breeze blew past us, and I caught a whiff of his scent. It wasn’t quite human, but it wasn’t anything else I could identify, either. Dean seemed to notice my hesitation and shifted his weight from one foot to the other.

“I’m staying with my aunt and uncle. The Ashworths.”

I settled a bit at that information, although something about him still had me on edge. “Ah, I’m very fond of your aunt and uncle,” I said, though I made a note to pay the Ashworths a visit and see what the real story was with this kid.

Dean chuckled. “Yeah, me too. Anyway, I should get going. Nice meeting you, Ridge.”

With that, he walked down the street, leaving me with more questions than answers. As I continued making my way to The Tipsy Tavern, I couldn’t shake the feeling that there was more to Dean than met the eye. My wolf growled in agreement. For now, though, I had more pressing matters to attend to.

Inside the dimly lit bar, I spotted Brett Longtail leaning against the counter, flirting with a human woman. Catching sight of me, he detached himself from her and sauntered over, a smug grin plastered on his face.

“Ridge,” he drawled, his eyes flicking over my shoulder as if searching for someone. “Haven’t seen your lovely mate around lately. My pack’s been talking—seems she’s still unclaimed.”

“Focus on your own business, Brett,” I snapped. “Blackwood Creek needs everyone’s help right now. Including yours.”
