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He feigned innocence, holding up his hands in mock surrender. “Of course, Ridge. The Ontario Pack wouldn’t turn away from hard work,” Brett said haughtily, swirling the amber liquid in his glass. “In fact, I’ve already been looking into waysmy wealth and entrepreneurial skills can help this backwater town improve more rapidly.”

I clenched my jaw, reining in my annoyance. I didn’t doubt that Brett wanted to help the town, but he was doing it for recognition—like wanting things named after himself. Still, I couldn’t deny that his assistance would be beneficial.

“Any help you can provide will be much appreciated,” I said through gritted teeth. “We need all hands on deck to make Blackwood Creek a safe place for everyone.”

“Absolutely, Ridge.” He smirked, finishing his drink and setting the empty glass on the counter with a clink. “And speaking of safety, I heard about those defensive training sessions.”

My eyes narrowed, wary of where the conversation was heading. “Yes. They’re important for everyone’s protection.”

“True, although I doubt I’ll need any training myself,” Brett boasted, puffing out his chest. “But I might just join in, anyway. You know, to get up close and personal with your lovely Tori. I bet wrestling with her would be quite enjoyable.”

I clenched my fists, struggling to restrain the anger that surged through me as Brett’s words echoed in my ears. My wolf paced restlessly inside me, ready to lunge at the arrogant alpha. But I couldn’t let myself lose control—not here, not now.

“Careful what you say, Brett,” I hissed, leaning in so close, our noses almost touched. “You’re talking about my mate.”

“Unclaimed mate,” he corrected. “Doesn’t seem like she’s off-limits to me.”

“Touch her, and you’ll be touching the future luna of the Northeast Pack.” I held my ground, not letting him see how much his words affected me. “And if you think I won’t defend her with everything I’ve got, you’re dead wrong.”

“Is that a threat?” Brett challenged, his eyes narrowing.

“Consider it a warning,” I shot back, my voice low and dangerous. “You want friendly competition? Fine. But don’t even think about crossing the line with Tori. Because if you do, I swear on my life there won’t be anything friendly about the fight between our wolves.”

For a moment, it looked like Brett might push back, but then he shrugged nonchalantly. “Fine. Have it your way.”

“Good.” I stepped away from him, needing to put some distance between us before my wolf took over completely. “Now, stay the hell away from her.”

I turned to leave, but the asshole just had to have the last word.

“Ridge,” Brett called out, and I paused, my hand on the door. “Just remember…she’s not yours yet.”

“Believe me,” I replied, my voice cold as ice, “that won’t be the case for much longer.”

Chapter 13


Despite the picturesque scenery of Blackwood Creek, I couldn’t shake the uneasiness that gnawed at my gut. After what Ridge had told me about the post-claiming period, I was sure coming around was a mistake. But I hadn’t been able to talk with Margo since Clawson had spirited her away, and I missed her.

When I got to the house, I hesitated whether to turn back to the manor, but before I could make up my mind, Margo flung open the door and greeted me with a smile that lit up her face. “Tori, I’m so glad to see you!”

In typical Margo fashion, she pulled me inside, closing the door behind us. “Welcome to our humble little soon-to-be no-longer-a-bachelor-pad home.” Her words came out in a rush as she waved her hand around the sparsely furnished open-plan living room and kitchen.

It was, without a doubt, a bachelor pad. The house was small compared to Ridge’s place—to be fair,anywherewas small compared to Blackwood Manor—but it was homely. I had to hide my amusement as I took in the sight of the battered leather recliner facing the rather impressive wall-mounted TV.

Margo nudged me in the ribs when she saw my expression, which I clearly hadn’t concealed as I’d hoped. Worried that I had offended her, I was about to apologize, but she grinned at me.

“It’s not going to look like this for long. Birch has given me free rein to give this place a makeover. I can’t wait to get started. It’s going to be the cutest little starter home for us.”

Knowing her the way I did, I was sure she’d have magazines, paint samples, and scrapbooks full of decorating ideas. It made me curious how Ridge would feel if I ever suggested redecorating the manor.

With a quiet grace, Clawson padded toward Margo, his eyes fixed on her as though she were the moon and stars. It was strange seeing him in sweatpants, a T-shirt, and barefoot; he was almost always in uniform. He stepped up behind Margo and wrapped his arms around her waist, planting soft kisses on the back of her neck. It was unexpected to see the sheriff, typically so reserved, showing affection so openly.

Margo twisted her head to the side, placing tender kisses on his lips before asking, “What’s cookin’, good lookin’?”

I watched them, so happy together and lost in their own world. The atmosphere in the room was so intimate that I felt like I was invading their space.Yep, I should have waited for them to get through their honeymoon phase.

“Hey, Tori,” Birch said. Before I could reply, he went on talking. “I’ll leave you girls. I’ve got something on the stove.”
