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“Thank you,” I said before ending the call and returning to Tori’s side.

Crawling back into bed, my wolf basked in our mate’s comforting warmth. It wasn’t long before Tori began to awaken, her body stirring against mine. I pulled her close, burying my face into her neck, inhaling her sweet scent. Wrapping my arms around her, I surrounded her with my entire body, wanting to shield her in every way possible.

“You’re very affectionate for someone who looks like they didn’t sleep.” She turned into my embrace, cupped my cheek, and looked me in the eye, concern etched in her features. “Maybe you should stay in bed and try to catch more Zs while I go find some way to be useful to the town, outside of training.”

I scowled at her, tightening my hold. “You don’t need to be useful, Tori. You need to rest because you just made it out of another attack.”

Tori tried to squirm out of my arms. “I feel good as new, thanks to the magic pill.” She wasn’t getting far with my body pinning hers into the mattress.

Leaning down, I kissed her nose gently and whispered, “The other packs have mostly gotten situated. Clawson has been reinforcing security and vetting people all day.” He’d been doing that non-stop since I’d texted him late last night. “Besides, there are countless other people pitching in to help Blackwood Creek, so for now, there’s no pressure for you to push yourself. You’vealready been putting in more than your fair share, and right now, you need to think about yourself and getting fully rested.”

Tori moaned in frustration. “I just feel bad lazing around all day and not having a way to help out. Can I at least help you with something—anything—on your plate?”

My gaze locked with hers. This woman was taking it easy if it killed me. “Right now, the only thing on my plate is not letting you out of my sight.”

Tori rolled her eyes, and I smirked. “We can’t just sit around doing nothing all day. There’s far too much to be done,” she complained.

“Really?” I asked flirtatiously, raising an eyebrow. “If you’re looking for something to do, I’m right here and always happy to help.”

“Boo!” Tori swatted my arm. “Seriously, though, maybe we should see if any of the other packs know of any witches who might be willing to come to Blackwood Creek, or at least train Lola.” She told me about Lola’s little experiment with turning a light on and off. “It might not sound like much in the grand scheme of things, but it’s huge for Lola. She only just found out she was a witch. I’m amazed at what she’s been able to achieve on her own in such a short time.”

I loved watching Tori light up as she talked about her friend’s progress. It amazed me that despite having just looked out for herself during her years on the run, my mate was so determined to help everyone around her.

“I agree,” I said. “I’ll talk to the other alphas. We need to get the ball rolling on arranging a meeting between all the packs in Blackwood Creek as soon as possible.”

As we got out of bed and started dressing, our movements were slow and deliberate, our hands lingering on each other as we exchanged heated kisses and longing glances. As we headeddownstairs, the air sizzled with unspoken desire. It took every ounce of my self-control not to pull her back into bed.

We made our way down to the kitchen and started preparing breakfast. As we chopped fruits and vegetables, the door opened, and Kyle walked in, his eyes scanning the room before landing on Tori. His shoulders sagged with relief when he saw his little sister doing well and not suffering from the side effects of the wolfsbane.

The hunter’s attack yesterday, followed by the extortion message from Tori and Kyle’s pitiful excuse for a father, had undoubtedly left Kyle on edge. He tried to mask it, feigning a casual body posture with his arms crossed over his chest, but the way he stood, primed and ready to strike, hypervigilant, eyes darting between each doorway and Tori, mirrored my own.

“Join us for breakfast,” Tori said to him, pointing to the table and giving him those irresistible puppy-dog eyes.

He glanced around the kitchen and asked Tori, “Are you feeding the birds first? There doesn’t seem to be anything for our breakfast, sis.”

Tori grinned at him. “You’re wrong. This isn’t for the birds, it’s rabbit food. See, Ridge?” she teased me. “It’s not just me who thinks your dietary choices are weird. I think you need to diversify a little. Maybe throw in a Pop-Tart or two.”

Despite her teasing, I was happy to be the butt of this joke if it meant she’d relax and I’d hear her laugh.

She turned those puppy dog eyes at Kyle again. “Please,” she begged him. “Don’t make me eat Ridge’s rabbit-food rations alone.”

Despite my best efforts to keep a straight face, I couldn’t help but join in with the good-natured teasing. “You’re a stronger man than me,” I said to Kyle. “I don’t know how you can resist those eyes.”

“It’s my superpower,” he deadpanned. “Took me years to become immune.”

Tori dissolved into giggles, and Kyle smiled affectionately at his sister. I couldn’t help but be amused by the sibling dynamic between them both, their many similarities unmistakable in their banter.

Once the laughter died down, Kyle asked. “Can I help with anything?”

“If you could put the cutlery out, that would be great.” Tori pointed to the drawer, and Kyle took out the knives and forks and brought them to the table.

I placed the steaming coffee pot in front of him as he sat at the table. “Help yourself.”

“I’m surprised caffeine is allowed on the bird-food regimen,” Kyle cracked as he doctored his coffee with cream and sugar.

“Rabbit food,” Tori corrected with a laugh, and Kyle joined in.

She had been much happier since she and Kyle had talked everything out, and I could see how deeply she cared for her brother. Despite my lingering distrust of him, I decided that, for Tori’s sake, I’d work on improving my relationship with the ex-hunter. With that decision made, I sat down to eat with them, and the mood lightened.
