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“From what I’ve seen so far,” Dean added, “you’ve done an impressive job. But you still have work to do.”

I clenched my fists, torn between anger and curiosity. My inner wolf whined softly, urging me to listen to the mysterious vampire before me. But I couldn’t let go of the suspicion that gnawed at me, especially when it came to my father.

“Fine.” I gave in to my curiosity. “Tell us what you know about Jaxon Hyde and how he fits into all of this.”

Ridge’s muscles remained tense beneath my fingertips. With each word Dean spoke, I wondered if I was making a terrible mistake.

“Jaxon and I were friends long before you were born,” Dean said to me somberly. “We’ve both been hunted, experimented on, tortured, all because of what we are.”

My eyebrows furrowed as I tried to wrap my head around his words. I moved closer to Ridge, resting my hands on his bicep to ground myself. The warmth emanating from his body was theonly thing that kept me from completely losing it. I ignored the warning growl he gave me, but didn’t take another step forward.

“He saved my life years ago when hunters captured us,” Dean continued. “We were both being used to try to manipulate others of our kind.”

A thousand emotions collided inside me as I leaned into Ridge, seeking support. But my resolve hardened as I recalled the rumors about my father. The man who had taken everything from me—my mother, my childhood, and my innocence.

“Ridge, we should just kill him,” I blurted, unable to fight the blinding anger. “Any friend of my father’s is not a friend to me or anyone else in Blackwood Creek. I don’t know much about Jaxon Hyde, but I’ve always wondered if he forced himself on my mother. And he’s the one who brutally murdered her. I am not about to befriend some vampire claiming to be his pal.”

Ridge’s body tensed beside me, ready for action, but even in my anger, something held me back. A part of me yearned to know more, to understand the truth. To find out if maybe, just maybe, there was more to this story than I’d been led to believe.

Shock replaced the vampire’s calm expression. “You’re dead wrong about Jaxon. He might be a powerful alpha, but he’s the gentlest soul I’ve ever met. He would never force himself on a woman.”

I scoffed, my disbelief growing as I glared at him. But still, Dean continued, his tone growing impassioned as he defended Jaxon.

“Look, if Hyde fell for a human—and he had to have done just that to have a baby with her because he isn’t the type to sleep around—then there’s no way he could’ve killed that woman. It goes against everything about his character. You must’ve gotten bad information somewhere.”

That information shook the very foundation of my beliefs. But I couldn’t just accept Dean’s claims. Not when they contradicted everything I’d been told my whole life.

“Enough!” I exclaimed, exhausted by the conflicting stories. “I don’t know if I can believe you.”

I’d never met a vampire before, and I had no reason to think he was any different from anyone else who’d tried to manipulate me my whole life. Even if my inner wolf didn’t seem threatened or on edge by his presence.

“Ridge, we don’t have time to shield a vampire here in town when we’re trying to help shifters. Maybe we should just kick this guy out and let the vampire-hunting faction deal with him.”

My declaration hung in the air as a sudden silence descended upon us.

Chapter 20


The revelation hung heavy in the air, like the thick scent of blood after a fresh kill. I’d never met a vampire before, but it explained why something had felt off when I first encountered Dean. I was a bit calmer, knowing Tori wasn’t being threatened physically, but Jaxon Hyde’s name had opened up a whole new can of worms. Tori had every right to be wary of Dean, and though my inner wolf didn’t feel threatened by this stranger, I couldn’t forget how he had lied about his connection to the Ashworth family.

I crossed my arms and widened my stance as I faced him. “Let’s say I believe you’re a vampire and that you’re not here to hurt anyone. Why should I trust you when you lied about being part of the Ashworth family?” This guy certainly didn’tlooktrustworthy.

Dean raised an eyebrow, his lips curving into a sly smile. “Oh, come on, Ridge. If I hadn’t told you I was related to them, would you have believed me when I showed up out of nowhere? Besides, they think I’m their nephew, thanks to my little persuasion trick.”

“Persuasion trick?” Tori narrowed her eyes at Dean. “You mean you manipulated them? Hypnotized them into thinking you’re family?”

“Hey, it doesn’t hurt them, sweetheart.” Dean held up his hands defensively. “It’s more like a suggestion than actual mind control. I’ve never used it to harm anyone, I swear. I was just undercover, checking things out on Hyde’s orders after we heard about all the wolf shifter packs coming here. I didn’t lie maliciously, and I’d never hurt the Ashworths. In fact, I’m quite fond of them, and their hilarious little son.” He grinned. The guy probably thought he was being charming.

Tori’s expression remained skeptical, but I could tell she was struggling with the idea of her biological father being alive. As much as I wanted to protect her from everything and give her all she desired, I needed answers for her and my pack. As the alpha, I couldn’t afford to think only of Tori, no matter how much I wanted to.

“Fine.” I hesitated, jaw working as I considered how to handle this. “I want you to leave town, but only to bring Jaxon Hyde back here so we can meet in person. We have hunters to fight off and shifters to protect. If he’s really not the monster we’ve been led to believe, then he should be on our side.”

“Ridge!” Tori looked at me like I’d betrayed her. I would’ve done anything to take that look away, but I had obligations to my pack.

“Listen, Tori.” I rubbed her arm gently. “If you don’t want to meet your biological father or learn what happened between him and your mother, I’ll kill this vampire right now, and we’d drop the subject. But there’s a bigger battle going on, and as alpha, I can’t ignore it. I will do anything for you. Anything at all.” As my mate, she would make the right decision. My obligations were hers, even if she didn’t fully realize that yet.

Tori hesitated, her eyes flicking between Dean and me. “I want answers, but we’re already in so much danger. I don’t want to attract even more.”
