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“Perfect,” I agreed. “It would be our day, Tori. We’d do whatever makes us happy.” I kissed the top of her head, holding her close as if she could slip away at any moment. “Absolutely no unicorns or Ring Pops. We can change anything you want.”

She sighed. “Yeah, but let’s table this until after we’ve dealt with the hunter threat, okay?”

“Of course. That makes sense.” Even as I said it, I felt positively giddy. Tori was finally opening up and considering the possibilities of our life together beyond the ruse we’d set up.

As I drifted off to sleep, our future played out in my mind. I wanted to give her everything she could ever want. A life free of fear, filled with love and security. And I knew exactly how to start.

The morning sun crept through the curtains, casting long, golden rays across the room. I stirred, and Tori coiled herself around me. Her soft breath tickled my chest as she slept peacefully in my arms. Despite all the chaos and danger surrounding us, I savored the profound sense of contentment with her by my side.

The ringing of my phone shattered the peace.

“Ridge, phone,” Tori mumbled in her sleep, nudging me gently. She was twined around me like a vine, making it impossible to move without waking her. Reluctantly, I disentangled myself from her embrace and reached for the ringing phone on the bedside table.

Checking the screen, I answered. “Clawson?”

His no-nonsense tone came down the line. “Morning, alpha. The Southwest Pack has arrived.”

Slipping out of bed, I kept my voice low. “Thanks for letting me know. Have they settled in?”

“Mostly. I’ve set them up in the clearing on the west side of town. They’re eager to meet with you.” Clawson sounded tired. I was sure he wanted to be with Margo instead of playing meet-and-greet on my behalf.

“Understandable. Tell them I’ll be there shortly.” I walked to the wardrobe and reached for clean clothes.

“Will do. See you soon.”

I glanced back at Tori, who had curled into a tight ball in my absence. I hated leaving her, even for a moment, but duty called. I quickly dressed and got ready for another long day. With one last look at the delight in my bed, I made my way out the door.

The cool morning air hit me as I stepped outside, sharpening my senses. My wolf stirred within, eager to greet the new arrivals and assert our dominance. Taking a deep breath, I pushed those primal instincts aside and focused on welcoming the Southwest Pack to Blackwood Creek.

The birds were singing and the sun was shining, making it a beautiful morning to walk to the clearing. The sun’s rays filtered through the leaves, casting a dappled pattern onto the forest floor. Walking provided the perfect opportunity to reflect on the conversation I’d had with Tori the night before.

I still didn’t want to get my hopes up, but last night was the closest Tori had come to asking to go through with the mating bond. I just needed to resolve all the issues with the hunters, then I could take time for her and truly make her my mate.

The air grew thick with the smell of blood and heartbreak as I neared the clearing, and soon enough, I found the Southwest Pack members gathered outside their makeshift tents. The weariness etched into their faces told a story of hardship and suffering that words could never fully capture.

“Ridge Blackwood, alpha of Blackwood Creek,” I announced to them, hoping to put them at ease. “I’m here to offer you our assistance and support.”

“Thank you, Alpha Blackwood. I’m Elias, alpha of the Southwest Pack.” The man stepped forward, giving me a firm, respectful handshake. “We appreciate your hospitality.”

“Of course,” I replied. “We’re all in this together. How was your journey?” Their disheveled appearance spoke volumes about the challenges they had faced.

Elias confirmed my suspicions when he spoke again. “Difficult, but we made it. We lost several members along the way. There are only seventeen of us left now, barely enough to form a pack. The hunters are relentless.”

“I am very sorry to hear that. My pack and I will do everything we can to keep what remains of your pack safe here in Blackwood Creek.”

“Thank you,” Elias said. “We’re eager to contribute and help protect our new home.” What remained of the Southwest Pack surrounded their alpha, nodding their agreement and echoing his offers of help.

“Good,” I said. “We’ll need all the strength and unity we can muster to take down the hunters. What your pack needs first is a good night’s sleep and a few decent meals.”

“Agreed. May I ask how things stand with the other packs?” Elias asked.

“Things are tense,” I admitted. “There’s in-fighting and disagreements, but we’re working on pulling together as one cohesive unit.”

The other alpha nodded. “Understandable, given the circumstances. We’ll do our part to help foster unity.”

“Appreciated, Elias. Let’s work together to make Blackwood Creek a haven for all shifters.” One more pack added to the many.

There was a shout from the back of the group. “Here, here! A toast to our alliance and the safety of our packs!”
