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Chapter 23


I dipped my paintbrush into the vibrant green of the northern lights, applying the finishing touches to the painting. I took in the scene on the canvas—my and Ridge’s wolves running through the night, their powerful forms dissolving into the ethereal colors above. When I was on the run and had needed to travel light, I’d rarely been able to draw, not to mention paint. Painting was a luxury. Lately, art had become my refuge, and my fingers itched to capture every moment of our life together. Sketches of Ridge’s chiseled features adorned the walls, as well as tender drawings of Margo and Clawson, their love a beacon of hope amid chaos.

I felt Kyle’s presence behind me before he spoke. “Wow. You’ve really outdone yourself this time.”

I didn’t bother to look up from my work. “I just needed an outlet, you know?”

“Absolutely.” He paused, surveying my makeshift studio. “Your work has gotten even better since high school, and that’s saying something.”

“Really?” I turned to face him, one eyebrow raised. “You’re not just saying that because you’re my brother?”

“Swear on Mom’s grave.” Kyle crossed his heart, his eyes sincere. “I am genuinely impressed.”

“Means a lot, coming from you,” I said softly. Kyle’s support meant the world to me.

“What brought on this creative surge?” Kyle seemed genuinely interested.

“Ridge,” I said without hesitation. “He’s everything I never knew I needed. And being with him just unlocks something inside me.”

“Ah, the power of love,” Kyle sighed dramatically, feigning a swoon. “Truly inspiring.”

“Shut up.” I laughed and threw a paintbrush at him. He dodged it easily, his grin only widening.

“All right, all right.” He raised his hands in mock surrender. “But seriously, I’m pleased for you. You deserve all the happiness in the world. Y’know, I’m kind of jealous.” Kyle scanned the various paintings and sketches strewn about.

The vulnerability in his tone caught me off guard. “Jealous? You?” I couldn’t hide my incredulity. “Mr. Hunter Extraordinaire? Jealous? Of what?”

“Your talent, I guess.” He blew out a long breath. “I mean, look at all this amazing art you’ve created. You’ve got something special. And since leaving the hunters and joining you, I’ve started to feel, I don’t know, lost.”

“Lost how?” I prodded gently, setting my paintbrush down and giving him my full attention.

“Like, I don’t know what I want to do with my life if we manage to survive all of this.” He rubbed his arm. “Don’t get me wrong—I feel so much better, morally speaking, being on your side. But I also feel like a rudderless ship. Before Mom died, I used to think I wanted to be a fireman or a cop, something like that. Then Mom was murdered, and Dad opened our eyes to a whole new world and enrolled us in Hunter 101, and I wasgoodat it, Tori. Now I’m out, and I don’t know what to do with my fucking life.”

“Hey.” I put a hand on his shoulder. “You shouldn’t compare yourself to me like that. You’re incredibly brave and strong. I always envied how easily you picked up on the hunter training, and how you seemed to take everything in stride.”

“Really?” His eyebrows nearly shot to his hairline.

“Of course, you’re an incredible fighter. Not just physically but mentally as well. I could never have walked away from the hunters like you did. You’ve got a strength inside you. Don’t ever forget that.”

His cheeks flushed slightly, and he looked at the floor. “Thanks. That means a lot.”


He managed a small smile. “I guess I just needed to hear that from someone else.”

I smiled back at him. “Sometimes, we all need a little reminder of our own strength.”

“Speaking of strength, how do you capture Ridge’s essence so perfectly in these sketches?” Kyle asked as he picked up one of my drawings of Ridge in his wolf form.

“Ridge is an enigma,” I said, thinking about the man—and wolf—who had stolen my heart. “But whenever I draw or paint him, it’s like everything else falls away, and I can see him with perfect clarity. The passion, the power, the loyalty—it all comes through in every stroke.”

“Sounds intense,” Kyle remarked with a hint of awe.

“‘Intense’ does not even begin to cover it.” My mind wandered to Ridge’s touch, his scent, the way his eyes burned into me, igniting a fire within my very soul.

“Sorry if I got too personal,” Kyle said quickly, sensing my momentary distraction.
