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“Oh, that sounds perfect,” she said giddily. “I’ve never seen a meteor shower.” Her eyes shone brightly.

The evening air felt glorious against my overheated skin as Tori’s laughter rang through the quiet streets. Her eyes sparkled like a thousand stars, casting a warm glow on her flushed cheeks.

“Ridge, darling,” called an elderly woman, her husband standing beside her. They had appeared out of nowhere, the way most nosy townspeople seemed to do. “When will wedding announcements be going out? We wouldn’t want to miss it,”

“Uh, we’re still working on the details, but you’ll be among the first to know,” I said, trying to maintain my composure despite the ever-growing knot in my stomach.

The old man winked at Tori. “Looking forward to it.”

“Thank you, Mr. and Mrs. Ocean,” Tori said with a sweet yet strained tone.

“Did I hear ‘wedding?’” A new voice joined the conversation, and I recognized the couple who’d been dining a few tables away from us earlier. They were notorious for their keen ears and sharp tongues. “Isn’t that awfully quick?”

“Excuse me?” Tori’s eyes narrowed. She was reaching her limit, and I didn’t blame her. The stress of the night had me on edge, too.

“Well, it’s just that it seems like yesterday when we heard about your engagement, and now you’re already planning the wedding.” The woman’s voice dripped with insinuation. “Makes one wonder if there’s a reason for the haste, doesn’t it?”

“Is it a shotgun wedding?” her partner added, smirking.

“Really?” Tori snapped, her hands balling into fists. “You don’t knowanythingabout our relationship.”

I placed a hand on her shoulder. Her muscles were tense, coiled like a spring ready to snap. I whispered low into her ear, “Easy. Let’s not give them any more ammunition.”

She glared at the couple. “Fine. But for the record, there’s no shotgun involved. We’ll get married when we’re good and ready.”

“Of course, dear,” the nosy woman said, all syrupy sweet. “We didn’t mean to offend.”

“Then maybe you should keep your opinions to yourselves.” Tori’s voice was ice-cold, and I bit back a proud smile at her fiery spirit.

“Come on, let’s get out of here.” I gently guided her away from the intrusive pair, my fingers entwining with hers. “They’re not worth it.”

She leaned her head against my shoulder as we walked. “I have a newfound admiration for you and your job. I don’t know how you put up with people like that.”

“Practice.” I pressed a kiss to the top of her head.

She stopped suddenly and looked at me. Her piercing gaze held gratitude and something deeper, something that took my breath away. “I just want you to know that I’m in this with you, no matter what anyone says.”

“Good.” My voice was rough with emotion. “Because I wouldn’t want it any other way.”

But I couldn’t shake the nagging feeling that something was off, like an itch beneath my skin I couldn’t quite scratch. My hand brushed against my thigh, and for a moment, I contemplated the logistics of proposing while in wolf form. Would I have to hold the damn thing in my mouth? Oh, geez, I had not thought this through at all.

“Did you see the progress they’re making on those new buildings?” Tori snapped me back to reality as she gestured at the construction site we were passing.

“Yeah, it’s coming along nicely.” My mind raced with the details of my impending proposal. How could I make it perfect? Was there even such a thing?

“Ridge, are you okay? You seem so distracted.” Tori studied me, her head tilted up.

“Of course, I’m fine. Just a lot on my mind, you know?” I offered her a reassuring smile, hoping she’d buy my half-hearted explanation.

“If you say so.” She still looked unconvinced. “But if you want to talk about it, you know I’m here for you.”

“Thanks, babe. I appreciate that.” I squeezed her hand gently, grateful for her unwavering support.

“Anytime.” She smiled back at me, her eyes bright and full of love. God, how did I get so lucky?

“Hey, I have an idea.” I was unable to contain my excitement any longer. “Why don’t we go for that run now? We can head out to that pretty little clearing like last time.”

“Sounds perfect.” Her face lit up, and my chest swelled. I would do anything to keep her smiling like that.
