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“Good,” I nodded. “So, where do we start?”

“We need to find any leads on who might have sold out the Everwood Pack,” Ridge suggested, his expression thoughtful. “If we can uncover that person’s identity, then we might be able to link them to Heather’s murder as well.”

“All right,” Jaxon agreed. “I’ll help you look into it. But we have to be careful. Whoever betrayed us is still out there, and they won’t hesitate to come after us if they feel threatened.”

“Understood.” Ridge’s eyes were steely. “Let’s get to work.”

My mind raced as I tried to piece together everything Jaxon had just told us. His words were like puzzle pieces fitting together in a way that was both unexpected and strangely logical. If his friend had vanished around the same time my mother’s killer was hunted down, it made sense that they would be the same person.

“Jaxon,” I began hesitantly. “Everything you’ve said…it sounds true. And I believe you didn’t know about what happened to my mom.”

“Thank you,” he said softly, relief evident in his eyes. “I swear, I never wanted any harm to come to Heather or anyone else.”

“Actually, let me introduce myself properly.” I took a step closer to him. “I am Victoria Summers, but everyone calls me Tori.”

“Victoria,” Jaxon repeated, his voice cracking with emotion. “It’s an honor to finally meet you, Tori.”

“Likewise,” I said, a strange mix of emotions as I officially stood face to face with my biological father for the first time. Despite the rocky start to our relationship and the pain of losing my mom, there was a part of me that was happy to have found him.

“Since we’re all on the same page now,” Ridge interjected, “we need to figure out who sold out the Everwood Pack and track down your friend, Jaxon. That’s the only way to get justice for Heather and protect ourselves from whatever dangers are lurking out there.”

“Agreed.” Jaxon crossed his arms. “The question is, where do we begin?”

“Let’s start by looking into other packs,” I suggested. “There must be some clues or connections that can lead us to the person responsible for betraying you.”

Ridge nodded. “We’ll work together, watch each other’s backs, and make sure that whoever hurt our families pays the price.”

“Thank you,” Jaxon said with genuine gratitude. “For believing in me, and for giving me a chance to be part of your lives.”

“Family sticks together.” I met Ridge’s gaze. “No matter what.”

Chapter 27


“Never thought I’d be standing here with both of you.” Jaxon shook his head at us, wonder written all over his face. He certainly seemed sincere.

“Life has a way of surprising us all, doesn’t it?” I chuckled.

He kept glancing at Tori as though he couldn’t believe she existed. “Can’t argue with that.”

As we walked Jaxon back to my manor, I noticed the similarities between him and Tori. Although she looked like Kyle in many ways, there was no denying Jaxon’s influence on her features and personality. There was absolutely no denying they were closely related.

“Nice place you got here,” Jaxon remarked, looking up at the manor with eyebrows raised.

“Thanks. It’s been in my family for generations.”

“Let’s hope you’re not like them.” It was the first reference he’d made to my family’s reputation.

I cut my eyes at him. “Trust me, I’m not.”

We stepped inside, and I sensed Jaxon sizing up the manor and me. He wasn’t threatening, but he seemed to be trying to determine if I was anything like my selfish ancestors. I wasn’t, and I intended to prove that to him. “Make yourselvescomfortable,” I said.” Can I get either of you something to drink?”

He rocked on his heels. “Water would be great, thanks.”

Tori smiled. “Same here.”

“All right, then.” They followed me into the kitchen, so I kept talking. “What brings you to Blackwood Creek, Jaxon?”
