Page 34 of Saving Chains

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“You would say that, you’re his right hand.” I breathe slowly, “I need to bring some money in, start making some profit. The guys that come in here are all well and good and so are the public that pass through, but I need some real profit.”

Sighing, I ponder on my own thoughts for a minute, tapping my cell screen and see no messages. It’s almost five p.m. The two guys that were in here earlier have gone and it’s been empty for the last hour or so. “Maybe I could do a happy hour, or get some sort of entertainment in here…”

“How about putting some flyers around town, it worked for opening day.” Reaper adds. “Bar snacks, that kind of thing.”


“You could do baskets, fries, chicken wings…” I nod.

“I like it.” Still nodding, I open my notebook and jot down some notes. “Okay then, to do this, I need staff.”

The sound of engines outside pulls me away from planning and I look to the door, waiting to see who’s going to walk through. For reasons I don’t want to admit yet, I hope it’s Levi. I’ve kind of missed him, knowing he’s not been around. The sound dies and I’m eager to see if it is him. “One of the brothers, Ghost, walks through first. He’s got pale skin and is blonde haired with light eyes. If his skin was any lighter, he would be translucent. Closely behind, Liam walks in laughing at something Ghost is saying. “Hey guys.” Straightening all my paperwork, I pick it up and hold it to my chest. Pushing out my chair, I head for the bar.

Before I get there though an arm falls to my shoulders, “Hey beautiful.” I look to my right and see Liam’s head right next to mine and smiling like an idiot.

“Hi.” I smile politely. “Reaper will get you a drink, I’m just popping to the office to drop these in.”

I place the folders on the desk, as my shoulders sag. What the hell is wrong with me. I told myself I wouldn’t get ’attached to Levi again. The smell of oil and leather reaches my nostrils, as I breathe it in, savoring the scent as two arms come around my waist and I squeal.

“Hey babe,” Levi’s lips connect with my cheek in a loud kiss and my smile stretches across my face as I turn in his arms, winding my arms around his neck. “Miss me?”

“Meh, not really.” I thread my fingers into his hair and pull him closer, kissing him like I haven’t seen him for days, not hours.

“You need a haircut.” I say pulling back and untangling my fingers from his hair. “I’m not used to all this.” Before I went away to college it was short, just a little longer than Reapers.

“Do you want me to cut it?” Levi asks, his eyes so intense as he stares at me, I could get so lost in them. His lips are on mine again, an all-consuming kiss, I have a connection with him that I’ve never had with anyone else, and if the truth be known, I probably never wanted it with anyone else. “I need a drink, a shower, and a change of clothes. I’ve been on the road for hours for a measly quick pick up, then I want to take you back and get lost in your magnificent fucking body.”

He dips his head dips and kisses down my neck. “Hmmmm, bad luck I gotta work.”I groan.

“After work,” he whispers against my skin, a shiver works its way down my side and I groan again.

“That could work.” I breathe out. My voice barely a whisper as my walls clench and he growls low in his throat, bringing his lips back up to capture my lips again, and kissing me harder. I move my hands to his face and break the kiss, leaning back slightly to peer into his desire filled eyes, “we’d better get you a drink then.” He smirks, and I step out of his tight hold, take his hand, then lead him from the office and back through the kitchen to the bar.

As we go through the bar again, Liam, Ghost and Reaper sit along the other side of it and Levi follows me to stand at the end. “So Liam, does this mean you’re sticking around for a while?” I feel Levi’s hard stare on me, I glance at him and cock my head before he shifts his stare to Liam.

And the pissing contest begins.

“Well yeah, I guess so. Pres is keeping me around since that ass, Mac, has disappeared.” I try to keep my face neutral at the mention of Mac.

“Yeah, I heard, but I gotta say, it’s been a better place to be without him in my face all the time.” I add. Reaper and Levi look at me at the same time, there’s a storm brewing in Levi’s eyes, and although I shouldn’t feel any guilt because of what he did to me, I’m still the reason he’s disappeared. I turn away from them and pretend to do something at the back of the bar. As they busy themselves talking work, I slip through to the kitchen, hopefully the strained atmosphere will be lifted by the time I go back in there.



Itry to push away the conversation of Mac. I don’t want to think about him, let alone say his name. The fuck deserved to die for what he tried to do to Luna. My fingertips drum wildly against the bar top.

“Hey, where d’ya go?”Reaper asks from the side of me. I turn my head and look him in the eye.

“I’m good.”

He picks up my bottle and sees it’s empty. “Hey Lune,” Reaper shouts, and she pops her head around the doorway, “two more beers.” she gives a nervous smile, she’s noticed how wound up I am. She leans into the fridge and pulls out two bottles and slides them towards us. Reaper dips his hand into his cut and throws a ten on the bar. “Thanks darlin’.” I lift my bottle to my lips and take a seat beside Reap away from the other two.

“We’ve got to sort this shit man, she’s a nervous wreck.” I tell Reaper, not that it isn’t obvious already, but I thought I should point it out.

“Do you want to tell Pres what he did?” His hard stare relinquishes mine and I huff out a heavy breath.

“If I have to, then yeah. Because let’s be honest, if anyone will get the blame it’ll be me. I’m the black sheep of the brothers.” I drink down a long gulp of beer and run my hand through my hair. Luna is right, my hair needs cutting. Taking a small breather, I empty the bottle and get up from my stool. “Listen I’m going to grab a shower.”
