Page 71 of Saving Chains

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“No. I feel sick but thank you.” I give her a tight smile and wrap my arms around myself as I try to be patient. y arms wrap around myself as I wait. Neither of us say anything else, I check my cell numerous times and still nothing. “I thought he may have sent me a message or something.”

“Come on, he’s male. They only tell us useless information.” Neve says dryly. My eyes find hers and I grin, only because she’s damn right. Her dry humor manages to ease the tension at least.

The doorbell sounds through the speaker. With my eyes wide with trepidation, Neve jumps up and runs through to the door. When I faintly hear Levi’s voice, I breathe a sigh of relief as my whole body sags. The door opens and closes again but since I can’t really move very quickly, I stay where I am. His heavy boots sound loudly on the flooring as he strides through the apartment. My gaze instantly shifts to his handsome face as he enters the room, happy to see there isn’t a scratch on him. Quickening his steps to reach me, he takes me into his arms and holds me tight.

“Thank Jesus you’re okay.”I say, squeezing my arms around his body.

“Hey, I’m good. But I can’t stay. Some things have come to light today and we need to deal with it.” he kisses my lips firmly, moving so his hands are holding my face. “But I’m not leaving you alone. Frisco and the prospect are going to drive you to the clubhouse, both you and Neve. So, grab whatever shit you need and get going.”

“Back to the clubhouse?”

“Yes. It’s not just you it’ll be everyone and their families. You don’t have a choice about this, babe. I’m not leaving you girls here alone. No arguments.”

I huff and my lips pout, but I don’t say anymore, instead I nod and let him take charge.

“I love you. And after today they’re going to want to take revenge. Things will get rough for a while, but I need you to be protected. Then, when this is over, we’ll find that minister.” I let the smile that was yearning to escape break free. “Sound good?”


“Okay, pack some things, I have to go. Use Frisco and the Prospect to for anything you need.”

I nod and take Levi’s hand to help me from the couch, the follow slowly behind. He turns at the door and captures my lips, kissing me hard. “See you soon, angel.”

“Don’t forget, as soon as they’re done, you get them to the clubhouse.” He orders Frisco. Don’t waste any time.”

Frisco nods, but the prospect looks a little bewildered. “Just follow Frisco’s lead, yeah?”

Brendan nods and looks straight at me. I offer him a smile and he nods. If this doesn’t give him some initiation nothing will. As Levi disappears out of the door, Frisco and Brendan follow me back inside and we get to work packing enough up for the next couple of weeks.

Neve pulls up on the compound and the automatic gates close behind us. It doesn’t feel like five minutes since I was here last but in reality, it’s already been three weeks. But I’m not going to fight him on this, not this time. I won’t cause Levi any more stress than he has already. Frisco and Brendan get our gear from the car and start taking it in for us.

Neve falls into step with me at my side as I limp across the compound. “So, this is what a clubhouse looks like?” She looks around us, taking it all in.

“Yeah.” I say, my voice laced with caution, “a lot of the shit that goes on in here, just ignore it.”

Frisco waits at the open door for us as I limp on.

“What do you mean?” Neve asks as I step through the door.

“You’ll see.”

I breathe in that familiar smell again. Strangely, it almost feels like home. Oil, smoke, leather and beer; it’s crazy what you get used to.

As the door slams shut, my body flinches slightly. I just want this all over now so I can marry the man of my dreams, the boy who had my firsts and now the man who has my future. Damn, it can’t come soon enough.

