Page 39 of Kiana's Hero

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Dev loved how Kiana came alive at his touch. He treasured all of her, taking his time getting to know her body, her erogenous zones and everything that made her moan.

He stopped to feast on her breasts, sucking the tips deep into his mouth, flicking the nipples until they hardened into tight little beads. They were perfect, filling his hands full of her dark flesh. Her skin was soft beneath his lips and tongue.

Moving lower, he pressed kisses to each of her ribs as he worked his way down her torso, inch by inch.

By the time he reached the juncture of her thighs, her breath had grown ragged. Her fingers roved his body in jerky, frenetic movements, as if she was holding back but didn’t want to.

His cock was so hard, it hurt, but he wanted to bring her all the way to orgasm before he considered slaking his own desires.

He’d promised to ruin her. He’d stop at nothing less. He wanted her to know what making love should feel like, the rush of emotion, the burning passion and wild abandon it inspired. Any other man would fall short of what Dev would elicit from Kiana.

He was driven to accomplish this goal. For a moment, he wondered why. She’d been so insistent that she wanted nothing to do with a relationship.

Did he see her declaration as a challenge? If so, what did he hope to gain? Did she really only want a night of hot sex and the following day pretend it never happened?

No. Dev shook his head. He didn’t work that way. He wanted more than a quick tumble in bed. After sacrificing his life and any decent relationship for the military, he wanted a home, a woman to share his bed and let him hold her naked body against his for as long as they both lived.

If Kiana was that woman, he’d have to really work to convince her to give him a chance.

When he parted her folds, she reached for his head.

His hair was too short for her to gain purchase. Instead, she massaged his scalp, urging him closer, eventually grasping his ears, tugging gently, encouraging him to touch more, take more,

Dev chuckled, blowing a stream of warm air across her sex. With slow, methodical patience, he flicked her clit with the tip of his finger, repeating the motion and adding other tricks of his touch to drive her wild.

Her body rocked beneath him, responding to each flick. When he touched his tongue there, she gasped.

“Oh, Dev...that’s...that’s...”

He swirled his tongue around that nubbin of flesh.

“That’s soooo good,” she breathed.

While he tongued her clit, he slid a finger into her moist channel, then another.

Her body tensed, and her back arched off the mattress. “Yes!” she cried. “Oh, sweet beaches, yes!”

Dev didn’t slow, didn’t let up, powering through his campaign to ruin her for any other man.

Her hips rocked with her release until she dropped back to the mattress, breathing hard. Her skin was so soft, her muscles taut, her long hair splayed out across the pillow. God, she was beautiful, passionate and his for the night.

Dev smoothed a hand along the inside of her thighs. “Like that?”

“Mmm,” she said. “It was good...for a start.”

He chuckled as he climbed up her body, settling his hips between her legs. “That was just the teaser.”

She smiled up at him. “You mean there’s more to come?”

He bent to take her lips in a long, sensuous kiss.

Kiana wrapped her fingers around the back of his neck and returned the pressure, her calf wrapping around his thigh, making it harder for him to maintain control.

He was so hard and ready that he was afraid he’d come too soon.

Dev broke the kiss and patted the mattress, searching for the condom packet he’d thrown onto the bed earlier.

Kiana’s hand slipped beneath her back and pulled out the packet. “Looking for this?”
