Page 41 of Kiana's Hero

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He brushed a strand of her hair from her face. “About what?”

“You do have special talents.”

“That was just the main show,” he said, brushing a kiss across her forehead. “Wait until you experience the finale and the encore.”

“Mmm,” her sound hummed against his skin, reigniting the fire in his veins. “So, this is intermission?”

“Babe,” he kissed her temple. “That was only Act I. This show can go on for as long as you have hours in the day, days in the week and weeks in the year... You get the picture? I’m not just good at a sprint; I’m also good for distance and endurance.”

She chuckled. “We’re mixing metaphors.”

“I’m also good at mixing drinks,” he moved over her and pressed his lips to the base of her neck where her pulse beat wildly. “Like Sex on the Beach, Slippery Nipple and...” He laughed. “Point is, my talents guarantee never a dull moment and always a good time.” He brushed kisses across her collarbone and downward to take one of her nipples into his mouth.

He couldn’t get enough of her. Even if he wasn’t up to the next round yet, he loved making her come. If tonight was the only chance he got to be this close to her, he could sleep another day.

Ever the optimist, Dev refused to believe this was a one-night stand. He wanted a lifetime of nights and days with this amazing woman. Once was not enough.

True to his word, Dev showed Kiana Act II, a finale and encore before she dropped into an exhausted and sated sleep.

The irritating chirp of a cell phone woke her far too soon. When she reached for her phone, she realized it wasn’t hers that was ringing.

“Hey, Swede... No, I was awake. What have you found?”

Kiana rolled over to find Dev sitting on the edge of the bed, his naked back to her.

Her blood stirred at her core. Even after making love until the early morning hours, she wanted to do it again.

With Dev.

He made her feel special, alive, totally feminine and powerful all at once. He knew exactly where to touch her to bring her the most pleasure and took his time to make sure she was satisfied before he pleased himself.

Carl had never bothered to ask Kiana what she wanted when it came to sex. Sex had been all about him. She’d even faked orgasms to stroke his ego.

With Dev, every orgasm had been the real deal. His fingers, tongue and...well, everything he touched her with was magic.

Kiana smiled, realizing this was what making love should be. Sharing the intimacy, the work, the play and learning about your partner’s wants and needs.

Damn. Dev had been right again. His lovemaking had ruined her.

For anyone else.

She couldn’t even imagine another man eliciting the kind of passion Dev had inspired in her. Hell, she didn’t want to think of anyone but Dev touching her, kissing her, looking at her naked body the way he did.

“Can you shoot me Akana’s address? We’ll swing by his place this morning. And give Pearson’s phone number. We’ll call him. I don’t see flying over to California to meet with him face to face unless we have to.” Dev listened for a moment. “Yeah, if you find anything on Tina M, send it our way as well...” Dev nodded. “Right. I’ll get those to you ASAP. Thanks. Out here.” He ended the call and turned to Kiana.

“Swede?” she asked.

“Yeah.” He set the phone on the nightstand and laid down beside Kiana, pulling her into his arms. “He found Joe Akana, here on Oahu. He’s texting his address. He located Pearson in Los Angeles. We’ll get his phone number. He’s still trying to figure out who Tina M is. He wants whatever login and passwords Meredith used for social media and the ancestry application. He can dig deeper than we can.”

“Normally, I wouldn’t dream of sharing her passwords,” Kiana said. “But if it helps us find Meredith, I’ll do it.”

Dev pulled her close until their bodies were pressed firmly together. His hard cock pressed into Kiana’s belly. “Isn’t it too early to visit Joe Akana?” She kissed the base of his throat and flicked the pulse beating there with her tongue.

“Absolutely,” he agreed and swept his hand over her hip, cupping her ass.

She stilled. “What if Akana goes to work early? We might miss him.”

“Not a chance,” Dev said. “Swede says he’s on social security for a back injury he received on the job fifteen years ago. I doubt he’s going anywhere early in the morning. I figure we have another hour to sleep or whatever.”
