Page 62 of Kiana's Hero

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“Now you, Rex,” Dev said.

“Man down!” an excited voice said.

Kiana bit down on her bottom lip to keep from crying out. In the midst of the battle, Kiana’s cell phone chirped. She didn’t realize it was ringing until it had gone off three times. She jerked her phone out of her pocket and stared down at an unknown number.

Who the hell would be calling her now?

She almost didn’t answer when it occurred to her that it might be Silas.

She touched the receive button. “Hello?”

“You have incoming,” a familiar, female said. “Leave. Now!”

“Meredith?” she cried.

“They’re almost to you. Go!”

Kiana dove for the driver’s seat and fumbled in the dim lighting, looking for the key to turn. “Where the hell is the ignition?”

“What are you doing?” George demanded.

“We have to leave. Now!” She located a start button and mashed it hard with her finger. When the engine roared to life, she let go of the breath she’d been holding, shoved the shift into drive and shot out of the alley as headlights shone in her rearview mirrors.

“How the hell did they find us?” George asked behind her.

“I don’t know,” Kiana said. “All I do know is that was Meredith who called. She’s alive and is looking out for us.”

Several plinks sounded against the van's exterior, and then the back, tinted glass shattered.

“They’re shooting at us,” George called out. “Stay low and go faster.”

Kiana slammed her foot to the accelerator, hoping to put distance between her and the people in the vehicle behind her. The people firing live rounds at them.

Her heart stilled when she realized the stop sign ahead indicated a T intersection. She couldn’t go straight. She had to go either left or right.

Waiting until the last moment, she shifted her foot from the accelerator to the brake and slammed it down hard, slowing for the turn, knowing it would give the gunmen behind them time to catch up. She had no choice. If she kept going straight, she’d ram into a building.

Left or right?

She spun the steering wheel right. The van turned and kept spinning, performing a three-hundred-sixty-degree circle.

Kiana turned the wheel in the opposite direction, hoping to arrest the spin, but to no avail.

Headlights barreled toward her, and the other vehicle smashed into the passenger side of the van.

Thrown against the driver’s door, Kiana’s head hit hard. The airbag deployed, and the world went black.

Chapter 14

Dev was the point man for breaching the building. Rex had his six, with Hawk and Teller behind them.

Bullets hit the ground at his feet as he reached the door, grasped the handle and thanked God that it turned easily.

Not that he’d be any safer stepping inside. He flung open the door and dove to the floor as bullets flew over his head. He rolled toward a forklift and came up into a kneeling position, with the forklift providing cover from the bullets aimed at the door.

He returned fire, forcing the opposing gunmen to duck behind cover, giving Dev’s team time to enter the building and take positions behind crates and other machines.

“Comm check,” Hawk whispered.
