Page 80 of Kiana's Hero

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He stared at her, the smile slipping, his face going straight and serious. “You.”

Kiana’s heart skipped several beats, and her breathing grew difficult.

“Ask her,” Logan chanted. “Ask her. Ask her.”

“Ask her,” George joined in.

Soon, everyone standing around Kiana and Dev was chanting louder and louder, “Ask her!”

Dev lifted his chin and shouted, “I’m getting to it! Can you all shut up for just a damn minute?”

The group went silent.

Kiana almost laughed at the red stain spreading across Dev’s cheeks.

“Do it right, man,” Reid said.

“Take a knee,” George urged.

“I knew it was a mistake to do this here in front of these yahoos.” He gave her a crooked smile. “But the ring came this morning, and I can’t wait another minute to know.”

He reached into his pocket, pulled out a diamond ring and dropped to one knee.

Kiana’s eyes welled.

Dev took her hand in his and looked up into her eyes. “This is the easiest and hardest thing I’ve ever done in my life.”

Kiana shook her head, and her entire body trembled. “Why?”

His gaze dropped to her ringless hand for a moment. “Easiest because I know in my heart you’re the best thing to ever happen to me, and I want to be with you always.”

Her chest swelled, and tears slipped down her cheeks. “What makes it hard?”

“Knowing that if you don’t feel the same, that if you say no, my heart will shatter into a million unrepairable pieces.” He stared up into her eyes, his love reflecting in the depths of his gaze. “Please, don’t break my heart.”

She shook her head. “I wouldn’t do that.”

His frown deepened. “But you didn’t say yes.”

“Hey, dipstick,” Levi said, “she can’t say yes until you ask her the question.” He snorted in disgust. “Amateurs.”

George shoved Levi. “Like you’ve asked a dozen girls to marry you. Shut up and let the man do it his way.” To Dev, he lifted his chin. “Carry on. But make it quick. We want to finish this job sometime today.”

“Right,” Dev said. “I’m getting there.” He cleared his throat. “Before we’re interrupted yet again, I’ll get to the point.” He drew in a breath and let it out. “I love you. I think you love me, and I think we should get hitched. Are you in?”

She laughed and flung herself into his arms. “Yes!”

Dev fell on his ass, pulling Kiana across his lap. “That wasn’t nearly as poetic as I’d practiced in the mirror. Nonetheless, the question is legitimate and from my heart. I love you, Kiana, and I can’t imagine spending another day without you in my life. Will you marry me?”

She cupped his cheeks between her palms and smiled into his face. “I already said yes. But I’ll say it again, even shout it across the rooftops if you’d like.” She drew in a breath and let it out on a sigh. “Yes, Devlin Mulhaney. I love you and want to spend the rest of my life with you. I’m in one hundred percent.”

Dev rose to his feet, drawing her up with him and into his embrace.

Kiana wrapped her arms around him and held him tight, so joyful she felt like her heart would explode. “I’ve never been happier in my entire life,” Kiana said, “than I am right here. With you. Thank you for breaking all my silly rules and for showing me what real love is.”

“You heard the lady. She’s in!” Dev shouted and spun her around. “She said yes!”
