Page 117 of All The Wrong Plays

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SOPHIA: Yes! Sooo tired, but we made it.

She replies instantly.

SAYLOR: AND? Any ring yet?

I roll my eyes. She’s been convinced Will is going to propose on this trip ever since I first told her about it. I’m certain she’s wrong. Yes, we’ve been together for over a year. Yes, we live together. Yes, we love each other. But I don’t know that any of those are reasons to get married.

Will is in his second season with Kluvberg. He made the decision to extend his contract sound like an easy one, although I wasn’t entirely sure it was. Selfishly, it’s the one I wanted him to make. I wanted to stay close to my family, and I was offered a staff position at Neues Kluvberg. From my perspective, it was perfect. From Will’s, I’m not as certain.

SAYLOR: Did you check his pockets? That’s how I found mine.

I roll my eyes, then unzip my suitcase so I can put on pajamas.

Will heads into the bathroom, the shower turning on a few seconds later.

When I walk into the bathroom, he’s lazily soaping his shoulder. I watch the white suds slip down his wet skin, avoiding his cocky smirk as he watches me check him out. I thought I was too tired to make it through a shower, but the sight of Will, naked, is rapidly waking me up.

I slip out of the nightie I just put on and step under the spray with him.

“Thought you were so tired,” he tells me, smirking.

The tiles are cool against my bare feet, the spray of water warm, but not too hot. I step into him as water beats against my back, pressing my face to my favorite spot on the side of his neck.

“I love you.”

His lips press against my wet hair. “I love you too, my little grump.”

He fucks me lazily. Leisurely. Then shampoos my hair for me before we both grab towels. I brush my teeth, then climb into the comfy bed, expecting to fall asleep instantly. But there are too many unfamiliar sounds. I hear a loud thud in the distance and am instantly awake, recalling all the open land surrounding these tents.

“How close do you think we are to wild animals?”

“Close,” Will mumbles.

“But, like, how close?” I press. The lodge where I stayed last time was very different than this. Practically a hotel with solid walls instead of canvas flaps.

Will groans, then climbs out of bed. He spins it so his side is closer to the entrance of our tent. “Happy? They’ll eat me first.”

“That was very sexy,” I tell him, rolling half on top of him once he’s settled back under the sheets.

His laugh is a low rumble against my cheek. “Good. Are you going to be able to fall asleep now?”

“Saylor thinks you’re going to propose on this trip,” I blurt. “Bet Beck you would.”

Will’s still and silent. “What’d your brother say?” he finally asks.

I can’t get a clear read on his tone, and I can’t see his face either. “He said you weren’t going to.”


“Why is that interesting?”

“Because I asked for his blessing, after I got your dad’s. Figured he was too competitive to keep that to himself if it meant losing to Saylor.”


I wasn’t expecting Saylor to be right. She’s never going to let me live this down.

“Was that a good oh or a bad oh?”
