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“Pups,” I corrected, and she paused.

“What?” she asked, not hearing me well above her rambling. Cory grinned at me again.

“Pups, Bells. Plural. Evie’s having twins,” he answered.

“Holy fucking shit,” her disbelieving whisper made me grin. “Better you than me, brother. I was so scared of one. Two would have terrified me. Do you know the gender yet?”

“No. Not for another couple of weeks.”

“Have you told Mom and Dad? If you haven’t, I want you to Facetime me when you tell them. That’s going to be epic.”

“We haven’t told anyone yet. You’re the first,” Cory assured her.

“Fucking right, I’m the first! We’re twins! I should be the first. How far along are you?”

“Four and a half weeks.” Bells quieted again, and I guessed she was doing math which she confirmed when she squealed again.

“Another January set of Twins! That’s so cool. It’s like you’re creating a tradition. Guys, I’m so happy for you,” she sighed happily.

“Thank you, Bells. We are so hap—”

“Why haven’t you told anyone yet?” she suddenly asked.

“Uhh… We wanted to make sure everything was okay before we did,” I answered, and Bells sighed.

“Evie, you’re still a shit liar. It was because of me, wasn’t it? Because I lost my pup?”

“Not just you, Bells. Violet still hasn’t come out of her room and Adrien just lost his own child. We didn’t want to try to rub salt in the wounds,” Cory tried to explain.

“Guys, just because shitty things happen to us, doesn’t mean we’re not happy for you. I mean look at me. You just made what was going to be a really shitty day in my currently really shitty life so much better. You’re not rubbing in your happiness, you’re sharing it with us. Tell them today!” she ordered. Cory chuckled.

“We will.”

“Alright, I gotta go get this day started. Are you guys still coming out at the end of the month?” she asked, suddenly a bit nervous.

“We sure are. You need to dote on my pregnant mate, and I’m bringing about seventy volunteers from all three packs for the grape harvesting, so make sure you have enough space for all of us.”

“Seventy? Holy shit. Okay. I’ll get started on that. Thanks, Cory. I love you both so much. Be safe and make sure you Facetime me!” she ordered again.

“Be free at noon, then. Evie’s taking the morning off before we tell everyone. Her scent changed so I’ve got to hide her away until then.”

“Mom’s going to lose her shit!” she chuckled before hanging up. Cory pulled me onto his lap and laid his face on my chest.

“That went well,” he answered, smiling up at me.

“My ears are still ringing,” I teased. “I’ll send a meeting invite to everyone for lunch.”

“I can’t wait until I don’t have to hide our pups anymore,” he said, giving me a kiss before heading down to work. I sent off the meeting invite and then went through a few emails and project updates from bed.

‘Evie, did I miss something? Why are we having a meeting?’ Zi linked me immediately after I hit send. I told her I was working from the luna office this morning so as to not raise suspicions because I knew she was working from the lab today.

‘It’s about a secret project I’ve been working on. I wanted to update everyone,’ I said vaguely. Thankfully, it was technically the truth, so she couldn’t see through me.

‘Hmm. I didn’t know you had secret projects. Do you not trust me?’ she asked me, sounding a little hurt. As my best friend and now my gamma female, she was pretty much privy to everything I did.

‘Zi, I think last week I proved how much I trust you,’ I reminded her.

We had an entire meeting when we came back from Bells’ where I had to explain why I went off on my own when I found the mole. The opinions on my plan were mixed, but no one could really argue with the end results other than Cory, who had been the one most hurt because of it.
