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To us?

No. I don’t know. I don’t think so.

Then what is it? I asked. She wasn’t making any sense. A few moments later, I felt a deep pain in my heart, and I let out a sob. It felt like someone had plunged a knife through it, and I couldn’t breathe.

Zi pulled over, and I opened the door and dropped to my knees. I was sobbing, holding my chest, and I didn’t know why. After a few minutes, the pain left, but I continued to sob, Tozi howling in my head with grief we couldn’t understand.

Eventually, I calmed down. I stayed there, trying to understand what happened until Zi started to shake me.

“What the fuck is going on, Everly!” she shrieked at me.

“I don’t know,” I managed. I looked up at her and saw the fear in her eyes, but then my eyes settled on the full moon behind her.

“Zi...” I said. My best friend turned around and gasped. “A blood moon, but how di-What does that have to do with you? What happened to you?” she asked.

“I don’t know, but we need to get home,” I said, taking the keys from her and getting into the driver’s seat. The moment she got in, I took off, a sense of urgency overpowering every other feeling now. We were still nineteen hours from home, but I knew I could drive it in less than seventeen. I tried calling everyone, but no one was answering, and I had no equipment to find them.

I made Zi call just about every contact on my phone, but no one was picking up. My stomach was tightening the more I drove, and I was close to a breakdown. I didn’t take any breaks other than to pump gas and refused to let Zi drive. I needed to get home. I needed to find out what was happening.

We finally arrived at the pack gates close to three in the afternoon. I was startled to see the number of guards at the gate. They let me through right away but wouldn’t tell me what happened. They told me Cory would wait for me at the front of the pack house and provide me with an explanation.

I couldn’t drive very fast, though I wanted to. Wolves were running all over the place, some on the patrol routes while others were in their human form carrying wood. My heart sank. It was so much wood, and there could only be one reason for it: Pyres.

I finally made it to the front of the pack house. Cory and James were waiting for us at the front. Blood was covering both of them. Their eyes were bloodshot, and neither looked like they had slept.

I got out of the vehicle and ran to Cory. He opened his arms and pulled me into a tight embrace.

“I’m so glad you weren’t here,” he whispered.

“What happened?” I asked when I pulled back.

Chapter Six


I listened to Tyler addressing his pack. It was Blue Moon’s turn to host the full moon and I looked at the crowd warmly. It’d been more than twenty-six years since my parents suggested having multiple pack celebrations during the full moon. At the start, it was just Blue Moon and Crescent Moon taking turns hosting. Once Uncle Helios became a shifter and Alpha of Guardian Moon, he instantly joined the alliance.

Mom and Dad used to tell us that when they first began getting together, the packs were happy to have the celebrations together as they provided them with more opportunities to find their mates, but each pack would stay on their sides. It wasn’t animosity, it was just…normal. Each pack stayed with its own people. No one knew each other well, even though they lived so close to each other. As I grew up, I saw the packs start to mix. People started to talk to each other. Mates found each other among the packs and the packs slowly mixed bloodlines, intertwining us further. Now it was like we were all one pack, living in different places.

I looked over at Areli. My little sister was marked and mated now. It was just me and Violet left looking for our mates. I looked up at the moon. When was it going to be my turn? I was the oldest, I was supposed to be the first. I should have my mate by my side. Where was she?

Mom and Dad left for their vacation last week. Their kids were grown and making their way. They were finally free to relax for a bit, but I felt more alone now than ever.

Violet was here today, along with Lucien and his mate. I came because I’m the Alpha, Violet wanted her mate, and Lucien wanted to see Areli. She was his favorite, even if he denied it.

Uncle Helios was out on a trip looking for another one of his siblings, but in his place were Uncle Lalo and a couple of my cousins. The ones still looking for their mates. Tori, Jazmine and Jacob, though he was here under protest, as he insisted he was fine without his mate. Technically, my cousin Xochil should be here. She hadn’t found her mate, but she wasn’t looking for her. She’d decided she wanted to spend a few years traveling.

She was in Bali right now, last I knew. She emailed me every few weeks, letting me know how her trip was going. She was supposed to take over for Uncle Helios at some point, but considering he and Aunt Nat are both immortal, she figured she could take her time. Besides, this was Uncle Helios’ mission, and he wanted to see it through. For now, he was okay with staying in command.

Between real cousins, pseudo cousins and friends we considered family, my family was huge. In true Mexican fashion, as Mom liked to joke. So then why did I still feel alone so often?

The howls and cries of people finding their mates reached me, bringing me out of my thoughts and I watched as once again, others found their happiness while I smelled nothing. I felt no pull. Tenoch put his head down between his paws. Disappointed and heartbroken once again.

“EVERYONE INTO THE PACK HOUSE. WE’RE UNDER ATTACK,” Tyler suddenly yelled, breaking the joyful moment between packs. Soon after, the clear sounds of firearms firing filled the air.

“INTO THE PACK HOUSE. WARRIORS SHIFT,” I yelled and heard Uncle Lalo scream the same.

I looked desperately for Areli, but it was all chaos. I couldn’t see her anywhere. I could only hope David could keep her safe.
