Page 106 of Is This Love?

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“Not even going to chance someone seeing you. Shirt off, gorgeous.”

I do as I’m told and strip out of my shirt. He draws up my design, and it brings tears to my eyes. I love it almost as much as I love the man who drew it.

“It’s perfect.”

“You’re perfect.” He kisses me softly before he gets to work, giving me my first tattoo.



Today’s the day. We’re having a ribbon-cutting ceremony for the new location for Everlasting Ink. It took some convincing for the guys to concede that they didn’t have to pay me back for the land purchase. I didn’t want the money to begin with. Putting it into all of our futures, and that of my parents and my in-laws, is a win in my book.

I gave my parents and Monroe’s a million dollars each. I told them to retire and enjoy life. They fussed, but eventually, just like I did with the guys, I convinced them to take it. It might have been me telling them they’ll have more time to spend with their grandkids. They, of course, assumed Monroe was pregnant. Not yet, but hopefully, it won’t be long.

I never wanted the money, but I’m grateful because it brought me my wife. How I didn’t see her, see us for what we could have been all these years, is beyond me. That’s okay because my eyes are wide open. The ink on the marriage license has long since dried, and her last name has already been changed. Hell, she has my ink representing our last name on her left shoulder.

There is no turning back for us.

So, I had to break out the big guns and get personal. The five of us sat in the break room, and I told them how scared I was when I almost lost Monroe. I told them how I didn’t want the money, but as soon as she offered to be my wife, there was a part of me who wanted her, even if I wasn’t willing to admit it at the time.

They eventually agreed, not that it mattered. I’d already purchased the land. We still have a lot of work today. We hired an architect to help us plan the new shop. I have a ton of ideas to run past the guys as our families grow. I can’t wait to get started.

“This is going to be epic,” Monroe says, smiling up at me. I rented a tent and heaters to keep us all warm. I wanted Lilly to be there, and Monroe is just a few months out of being released from the hospital. I can’t risk her getting sick again.

“It is. I’m pretty stoked about it.”


I turn to see the guys standing behind us. Emerson is off to the side with Lilly in her arms. Our parents are all here, well, except for Forrest and Emerson’s, but they don’t deserve the right to see their children’s success and happiness.

“Yeah?” I ask as Monroe steps away from me to stand by her best friend.

“This—” Forrest waves his hand around the tent. “—we’ll never be able to tell you what this means to all of us.”

“Stop. We’re in this together.”

“We are,” Lachlan agrees. “But we needed to do something.”

“What did you do?” I ask, eyebrows raised. I told them I don’t want their money.

“We might have petitioned the city to change the name of the street,” Maddox tells me.

“Yeah? They agreed to Everlasting Ink Ave?” I ask. It’s something we’ve joked about, but I didn’t think they’d do it.

“Not exactly.” Forrest hands me a business card.

“Everlasting Ink. Legends Way, Ashby, Tennessee.”

“Holy fuck. You named the street after me?”

They all nod. “You made this possible. You and Monroe, and while we don’t have a million lying around to pay you back, we did want to honor you and what you’ve done for us.”

“Besides,” Lachlan speaks up, “Legends Way sounds badass.”

We all laugh, and I feel myself get choked up. These assholes are preying on my softer side. The side I found when I married my wife.

Speaking of my wife, she mouths, “I love you.”

I would have never guessed this is where my life would end up, but I have zero regrets. I have great friends, a beautiful wife, and a nice, warm home. The only thing we need is a cousin for Lilly, and if I have my way about it, that will be our next move.
