Page 12 of Is This Love?

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My girl.

Why is my heart racing at the thought of Monroe being mine?




Legend’s staring at me like I’ve lost my damn mind. I fight the urge to fidget under his gaze. Not because I regret my offer, but the look he’s giving me is so intense and, let’s face it, sexy as hell. His face is all stonelike and brooding, and those full kissable lips of his are being tortured by his white teeth as he clamps down on his lip.

“No pressure.” I raise my hands in defense. “I won’t be offended if you don’t think it’s a good idea, but you can trust me. Once you meet the requirements, we’ll get a divorce, and all will be right in the world.”

“That’s a year of your life, Monroe. Longer, because we’d have to date, plan the wedding. It has to look real.” His eyes never leave mine. He’s likely looking for regret, but he won’t find it. Legend is a good guy and a friend. This is what you do for your friends. At least in our circle, you do.

I nod. “Understood. Look, the offer stands, but the ball is in your court. I’m just trying to help out a friend.”

“You sure about this, Mo?” Emerson asks.

I pull my gaze from the sexy, brooding man sitting next to me and look across the room at my best friend. “It’s two years maximum. I’m single and unattached, as is Legend. We’ve known each other for years, and he knows I’d never try to gain access to his money at the end of this. I’m twenty-one. I’ll be twenty-three at the oldest when this is over. Plenty of time to meet Mr. Right and start my happily ever after. This old man, though.” Reaching over, I pat Legend on the back. “He’ll be ready for retirement by the time our marriage is over,” I tease.

“I’m thirty-one,” Legend grouses. “I’d be thirty-three. That’s far from retirement.” His eyes bore into mine, and it’s obvious he’s failed to find the humor in my words.

“You’re right. Semiretired.” I lean my shoulder into his and offer him a bright smile. Surprisingly, the corner of his mouth twitches. Mr. Sexy and Brooding isn’t immune to my humor after all. I hate seeing him this way. Legend is usually happy and upbeat.

I lean my head on his shoulder and keep my next words low, just for him. “I don’t expect or want anything, Legend. I’m just offering to help. I’m available to do so, and that’s what friends do.”

I can feel him nod, but he doesn’t reply for the longest time.

“One million dollars,” Legend says. His voice is low and rumbly, and it’s hot as hell.

I lift my head from his shoulder and meet his gaze. “What?” I’m too lost in the sound of his voice and the deliciousness of the man next to me to comprehend what he’s trying to say. “I thought it was five million?”

“I’ll give you one million dollars.” He penetrates me with his gaze.

My mouth falls open. “No. Absolutely not. If we do this, Legend Raines, it’s because I’m helping out a friend. I don’t want your money.” It’s the absolute truth. He’s in a jam, and I understand where he’s coming from. He doesn’t want to marry a stranger, and who can blame him?

“You’ll be my wife.”

Something in the way he says wife sends a ripple of desire through me. I don’t understand why I’m having this reaction to him. Sure, he’s hot as hell. They all are, but I’ve never felt this way around any of the guys before. I flirt with them, shamelessly, because I know they won’t think of me as a tease and try to take more than I’m willing to give. They’re safe, fun, lovable, sexy men. I enjoy the banter with each of them, but this… this is new.

“And you’ll be my husband.” My words are soft, meant just for him, and from the flare in his eyes, my words have an effect on him just as his did on me.

“This is huge, Monroe,” Emerson speaks up. “That’s a long time to put your life on hold.”

Blinking hard, I force myself to tear my gaze from Legend and address my best friend. She has valid concerns, but I don’t see it that way. “My life won’t be on hold. I just started my job as a dental hygienist. I’m in the early stages of my career. I still live at home with my parents now that we’re home from college, and I’ll still get to hang out with my people.”

“As his wife.” Roman nods toward Legend.

“We wouldn’t be able to tell anyone outside of this room the truth.” Legend turns so that he’s facing me. “We’d have to appear like a real married couple for this to work. Not even my parents can know.”

I shrug. “How hard can it be?” To prove my point, I stand and turn before sitting on his lap. I glance at him over my shoulder at the same time his large, muscular hands grip my hips. “See? We’ve got this.”

“She flirts with all of us all the time. She’s never hidden that. You could spin it that she always had a thing for you,” Maddox suggests.

“That would have to stop,” Legend’s deep voice says, his lips next to my ear. “My wife can’t flirt with my friends. No, fuck that. My wife can’t flirt with anyone but me.” There’s a growl in his voice that’s not usually there, and I can admit to myself that it’s doing it for me. I feel that sound between my thighs.

I laugh nervously, but I hope it sounds carefree. “Good thing I’m a pro at flirting. You sure you can handle all of my attention?” I tease. At least I hope it sounds teasing. I’m trying to mask the desire I feel from his thumb tracing over the waistline of my shorts. We’re always laughing and teasing, but this feels different.
