Page 13 of Dragon Rogue

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They both stopped at once.

He waved her forward, then realized manners had their perks.

She sauntered ahead of him, according him a magnificent view of her ass.

That same lovely ass that had been planted right on his groin not so long ago.

Blood flowed downward.

“Floor?” She turned toward him, brow raised.

Stepping into the elevator, he glanced at the card again and hit the listed button. It was a long way down.

Beside him, she stared at the closed doors.

In the confines of the steel box, her scent surrounded him. Infused him. Made it impossible for him to ignore her.

From that day, outside of Aeleftherian territory, when he had tracked, hunted, and failed to find her, her scent was imbedded in his memory.

He drew a slow, deep breath, savoring the silky notes that defined her unique qualities.

She reminded him of blooming tropical flowers, wild ocean tides and hot sandy beaches.

He cleared his throat. “So, that beach you led us to? You go there often?”

She slowly turned her head, looking up at him. Challenge illuminated her golden eyes. “Perhaps. A girl’s gotta have some fun. It’s not all just training and combat tactics.”

“You were there, weren’t you? Somewhere on the beach?” Among dozens and dozens of naked bodies, partying and enjoying the sun.

“Absolutely. I had to make sure I hadn’t led you to Aeleftheria.”

She hadn’t. They’d found it by tracking another dragoness much later.

“That’s hardly fair then, is it? You’ve seen me in my full human.”

She shrugged, nonchalant.

He noticed the slight curl to the corner of her mouth.

She’d seen him naked, and she’d liked it.

The knowledge jolted through him.

The elevator doors swished open again. She snatched the card from his hand, taking the lead with Eamerson’s directions.

That was fine with him. It wasn’t like he’d been down here before, and it gave him the chance to watch her lovely ass as she strode ahead of him in search of the archive. It wasn’t long before he lost himself in his own fantasies involving this little dragoness, naked, on a beach, against a wall, in his bed… even in the library, if she wanted it.

He was sure she’d be down with that…

“What?” He blinked, the images coming to a sudden halt.

“It’s here.” She shoved a heavily carved oak door open to reveal a vast cavern, filled with perfect rows of books upon shelf after shelf.


She strode right up to a wide counter and tapped the bell.

A male approached from somewhere near the back and blinked at her, brows lifted, nose twitching.
