Page 19 of Dragon Rogue

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Marli nodded.

“Kargassa named me his heir in front of the entire tribe. Few question that. But, there are some that don’t think I should remain on his throne because before that moment, I wasn’t a dragon. It’s complicated.”

“And you’re being cautious on handling Clive and Merwin.”

“Yes. They were following the king’s orders. Some guys think Stenlen is the one that should be in the dungeon because he disobeyed them. He’s as loyal to this throne as you are to your queen, but he has a line his conscience won’t cross.” He turned away from the vista. “Get some air, and when you’re ready, someone will show you to your room so you can rest.”

She nodded as he left her alone on the terrace.

Even as his words tumbled through her mind, a smile tugged at her lips as she pictured his description of his attempts to fly. Shaking her head, she stripped down, stepped to the ledge and let her dragon free.

Magic shimmered as it allowed her body to expand and grow. Looking down at her toes, she admired her purple metallic claws gripping the stone beneath her paws. Stretching her wings, she launched herself out over the valley.

The fresh air and distance from the infusion of male dragon musk would give her a chance to clear her mind.

I don’t know what’s worse, that I’m in the midst of a male dragon lair working to help them, which seems to be so contradictory to my orders, or that I’m attracted to Stenlen.

She had been since their first encounter on the beach.

What would things be like if they didn’t have the divide and enmity between them?

He didn’t seem to regard her as an enemy.

Could she let her guard down and find out? Should she?

Decide tomorrow.

In the meantime, she considered how to word her report that was grossly overdue, and check in with Elora to confirm the best way to send it so that she didn’t reveal the mountain location.


Chapter 9

Magic fizzled over Sten’s skin. It happened every time he descended to the dungeon. He rolled his shoulders to ease the tension it caused.

They were as far down inside the mountain as you could go. The elevator had stopped at its lowest level, and they’d had to descend flight after flight of stone-cut steps, well below the great hall where Kargassa had met his death, and further still.

He couldn’t imagine there would be anything lower than this.

He’d overheard Kymri and Jori mentioning the power of the place. As metal and earth dragons, the earth’s crust infused their natural dragon power.

“As soon as you open these doors, I’m going to fuck you up. Then I’m going after your bitches,” Clive snarled.

Stenlen exchanged glances with Jori and Odson. They all stood facing Clive and Merwin through the bars of their dungeon cell.

“Fucking traitor.” Merwin muttered, as he had every time Sten came to interact with them since they were imprisoned.

Odson stood, arms across his chest as he glared at Sten’s former wingmen. “You two knuckleheads are doing nothing to help your case.” He turned to Sten. “I always figured you were the brains of this crew.”

“Fuck you, old man.” Merwin paced behind Clive.

Jori rubbed a hand across the back of his neck, exasperated as he stared at the two males imprisoned behind magicked anti-dragon escape bars that Kargassa had spelled centuries ago.

Still active, the spell was attached to the Kargassa blood line rather than the dragon himself.

Was this where he got the idea for the Ambassador’s collar and the manacles he’d used to subdue Kymri? Or vice versa?

“The Aeleftherians would be more than happy to take you into custody,” Jori said.
