Page 22 of Dragon Rogue

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The grip on his chest muscles eased, and he breathed a little deeper.

He took the moment to observe a little longer.

He noted where Jori could use more training, but his attention constantly slid back to Marli.

Controlled, creative, tactical. Fast.

Which was why she could evade Sten, Clive and Merwin when they’d gone after her that day.

Every male in this place towered over her, making her a vulnerable target.

I need to get them back upstairs before the males get bored.

He listened carefully between the shouts, urging one or the other to hit a target or take their opponent down. Some even called for Jori to ease up on Marli, which, he noted, seemed to make her come at Jori with more force.

Jori blocked most of the strikes but took a few jabs to the ribs.

Raised voices to Sten’s right drew his attention.

“Hey, that’s mine!” One male gripped the shoulder of another.

Sten moved in closer to sort out what was going on. They appeared to be arguing over a thick gold bracelet.

“What the fuck, man? You sold it to me yesterday.” Pete said.

“Are you high? It went missing two days ago and I haven’t seen you in a week.” Craig said.

“Am I high?” Pete gaped, then turned to his friend engrossed in the sparring match, shoving his shoulder to get his attention. “Den, where did I get this?” He held up the bracelet.

Den’s expression registered confusion, but he answered, nodding to Craig. “Craig sold it to you yesterday in the mess hall. Fair price too. I’d have asked for more.”

“I’ve been on duty in the dungeon all week and haven’t had time to sell my shit in the mess hall.”

“If you want it back that badly, just give me back my money.”

Craig git his teeth, growling. “I don’t have your money because I didn’t sell it to you.”

Stenlen intervened before the conflict turned physical in the crowded area. “How about you take this matter to Eamerson. He’s in his office at the moment. Fourth floor.” He jerked his head toward the exit.

They glowered at each other, but obeyed the order.

This was the fourth instance of similar miscommunications in as many days.

Scanning the crowd, he moved toward any male that appeared to be plotting—or leering.

“I’d take that down on the mat anytime,” one male said, eyes roaming over Marli as she nimbly dodged Jori’s swings.

“You and me both, brother.”

The first chuckled. “As long as I’m first.”

Sten slid in front of him, blocking his view of Marli, holding his gaze as he growled. “Show some respect toward our royal guest, and representative of an ally nation.”

The male’s brows shot up at Sten’s unexpected appearance and aggressive reaction. “I was just kidding, man.”

“Let’s go,” his friend turned to leave. “He’s just got a hard-on for her himself and doesn’t want any competition. Or company.”

Sten growled louder. They both quickly left.

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