Page 90 of Dragon Rogue

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They talked on into the night, catching Heidi up on all the news that Black River needed to know to protect themselves in the coming years, as dragon intrigue was bound to ripple out into the other communities. Now, more than ever, they needed to create a strong network of friendships, in the face of the Consortium’s efforts to tear them apart.

Marli stood up from the table and smiled at Sten, holding out her hand. “Fresh air?”

She led him through the screen door and onto the porch.

“I never in my life would have thought that doing this kind of work would feel good.”

Marli squeezed his fingers. “Hopeful?”

“Crazy, isn’t it? We’re still in conflict, but the focus has changed direction. And it feels more real than anything we’ve faced before.”

“You’re telling me? My superiors knew all about the Consortium and not once did any of them ever tell me that they were connected to any of my missions.” She blew out a breath. “I’m glad we’re working with the GPSA, too.”

“I was surprised your queen allowed them to take Sam Egan into custody.”

“She’d already worked out an agreement with Jori that some criminals were best given over to the GPSA.”

Sten nodded. “Neutral judgment.”

“Though when the Aeleftherian council figures out who betrayed us, that will be internal and vicious. Red is heading the investigation herself.”

They stood watching the stars for a long time before Sten spoke again. “Jori asked my opinion about proposing to Kymri, to make it official.”

Marli’s heart flipped, and she smiled, “Did he? That’s great!”

“You can’t tell her!” Sten’s eyes widened at her excitement.

Marli snorted. “I can keep secrets. Anyway, what did you say?”

Sten shrugged, “The worst she can say is no.”

“What? You didn’t!” she punched his shoulder.

“Ow! I did. I didn’t know what else to say!”

“You don’t have an opinion on marriage?”

“Not if I don’t have any experience with it. I’d rather keep my mouth wisely shut.” He pulled her into his arms, gaze fluttering over her features. “What is your opinion on marriage, Ms. Fleetwing?”

“If it feels good, do it.” She grinned.

Sten snorted but couldn’t resist laughing. “Everything about you feels good, Marli.”

Her breath hitched, chest tight. “You feel good too, Stenlen Flintail.” She reached up, stroking her fingertips over his lips and cheek. “Especially when you kiss me.”

He bent his head, pressing his lips to hers. “Then I will always kiss you, Marli.”


He nodded, his forehead against hers. “Always, if you’ll have me.” He drew a shaking breath. “I love you, Marli Fleetwing.”

She grinned up into his beautiful gray eyes. Heart swelling in her chest, she leaned back to look up into his face, palms cupping his face. “I will have you for always, Stenlen Flintail.”
