Page 13 of The Devil In Denim

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Winters shook his head after a glance at his watch. “We have to go.”

“Your minion said the press would wait.”

“They will. For a while. But this conversation is likely to take longer than their patience will stretch.”

Maggie felt another chill run through her stomach. “What are you talking about?”

For a moment his eyes looked warm with sympathy. Screw that. She didn’t want his sympathy. She wanted to know the truth.

“Tom should’ve told you this. But like I said, no time now. Let’s make a deal.” He grinned down at her suddenly.

“Why do I get the feeling that’s one of your favorite sayings?” Why did she also get the feeling that making a deal with Alex Winters was very much a “put your soul in jeopardy” activity.

“Because it is. Deals are what I do.”

“I thought baseball was what you did now.”

“Baseball’s what I spend the money I make on deals on.” His grin widened. “Though there’s enough deals in baseball to make it fun.”

Her gut tightened. “Baseball is people not money.”

“We’re getting off track again. Deal time. If you?—”

“Who says I want to make a deal with you?”

“You don’t really have a choice.”

“I can leave.”

“Really? I’m guessing you promised Tom you’d stay. Can’t disappoint dear old Dad.” He looked smug.

“He’s owned the Saints for thirty years. He can handle disappointment.” All Saints fans could. Though Alex, annoyingly, had her number. She’d never been good at saying no to her dad.

“That’s beside the point.”

“Oh? Does that mean you have one?” Unfair when she’d been the one delaying the conversation. But she was beginning to tire of their verbal games. If she was being kept in the dark about something, better to know now so she could figure out what to do about it. Ripping the Band-Aid off fast was always the best approach.

“I always have a point.”

“Then enlighten me, please. What’s your stupid deal?”

“You behave at the press conference and I’ll tell you what everybody else has apparently conveniently forgotten to.”

“Define ‘behave.’”

“You smile. Play nice. Act delighted. Follow my lead.”

“Follow your lead?” She folded her arms. Smiling politely and clapping in the right places was one thing. Letting Alex Winters boss her around was quite another.


She didn’t have to do it. She could turn around, walk out, get a cab, and just go home.

Yeah, and then what? No job, no idea what the hell she was going to do, and no idea what secret her dad had been keeping from her. As unappealing as doing what Alex Winters wanted was, it sucked less than door number two at this point.

“Anybody ever tell you you’re an arrogant jackass?”

“Once or twice.”
