Page 28 of The Devil In Denim

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Mal nodded. “Yup. Which is why we’re taking this little tour.”

“Could’ve warned me,” Lucas said. “I would’ve worn something different.”

“Dust won’t hurt your precious suit. Besides, you just wear scrubs at the hospital, so they won’t care.”

“I wear scrubs when I’m operating,” Lucas corrected. “Today I’m consulting with patients. They get nervous when their very expensive surgeon looks like he’s been crawling through roof spaces.”

“I’m sure you have more suits where that one came from,” Alex said. “You always have a backup plan.”

“Nothing wrong with backup plans. And if we’re done criticizing my wardrobe planning, can we get on with this? I have to be back in the city by two.”

Mal descended a step or two, grasped the metal railing and tugged at it. It rattled. He frowned. “Fine. Let’s change the subject back to Alex. Who apparently has managed to annoy our first baseman but redeem himself a bit with the boss’s daughter.”

“Tom isn’t boss anymore,” Alex contradicted. “And Oliver Shields will dislike anyone who is male and comes within fifty feet of Maggie. Consider yourself warned.”

“He’s got a thing for her?”

“They dated way back when. She says it’s over. I’m not sure he’s so convinced. Looked to me like he’d be happy to take another shot.”

“Doesn’t matter what he wants if she’s not interested,” Lucas said.

“Maybe not but that doesn’t mean he’s going to like any other guys being around her.”

“Sounds like someone needs to bounce him,” Mal said, rattling the rail again. He walked down to the next landing.

Alex shook his head as he followed Mal. “I don’t think he’ll be a problem.”

“Then maybe we need to bounce you. Were you flirting with the girl? Otherwise, what’s he worried about?”

“I wasn’t flirting,” Alex lied. “I was just being my usual charming self.”

“You can’t do Maggie Jameson,” Lucas said. “The team would probably demand your head on a silver platter.”

“Hana Tuckerson would, that’s for sure. She’s little but she’s tough,” Alex said.

“Tae kwon do will do that to a person,” Lucas agreed. “Double medalist. She’s definitely tough. I wonder if she still practices?”

“The subject didn’t come up,” Alex said. “And if Maggie Jameson is off limits, then our pitcher’s wife is definitely off limits.” If Maggie was off limits? He shook his head. There was no if about it. He may yet have to fire her. So things had to be strictly professional. He grabbed the railing in the same place as Mal had and shook it, suddenly irritated.

“I don’t do married,” Lucas said. “Professional interest only. If you want me to help whip this team into shape and weed out the ones who need to go, then I’m interested in her observations about them. She is—or was—a world-class athlete. That makes her opinion valid.”

“Well, you can chat with her at the party this weekend.”

“What party?” Mal asked as they descended another flight.

“The party I’m now throwing. Team get-to-know-you party. All hands on deck. My place.”

Mal glanced up. “Oh good. At least your place has decent security.”

“And fire exits that have seen the light of day in the last ten years,” Lucas added, brushing his hands together. “Why did we buy this place again?”

“We’re a bunch of insane masochists?” Mal suggested.

“Because we love it,” Alex countered. “We can deal with a little dust and Mal can whip the security into shape.”

“Not without a lot of work and a lot of cash,” Mal said. He peered back up the way they’d come. “There should be cameras on these landings. And many other places.”

“Just as well we have lots of cash and you like hard work,” Alex said with a grin.
