Page 37 of The Devil In Denim

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“You’re not a ballplayer.”

Alex grinned, nodded toward the inner door. “There’s a whole roomful of them in there. You never know what might set them off.”

“The season hasn’t even started. They’ll be fine.”

“I might not be.” His fingers stroked her skin ever so softly.

“Alex … I thought we agreed. You’re my boss. I don’t date my bosses. And I’m sure you don’t date employees.”

“Not usually,” he murmured, sounding a little … torn. “But it is Christmas.” He glanced up at the mistletoe.

“No it’s not.” But she couldn’t quite bring herself to pull her wrist free.

“You know, you could view it as an experiment. Might solve our problem.”

“An experiment?” She was having trouble following the thread of his argument.

“We could kiss, it could be terrible, and boom, no more chemistry. Problem solved.”

It wouldn’t be terrible. She knew that in her bones. It would be more like boom, way too much chemistry. Nuclear-reaction-level chemistry. “I think your lawyers would say that’s a bad idea.”

“What, one little kiss and you’d sue me?”

She summoned a smile. “Yep, that’s me. Discrimination suit waiting to happen.”

“You don’t strike me as the litigious type.”

“You don’t know what type I am.”

“I’m trusting my instincts. They’re pretty good.”

“Famous last words.”

“C’mon, Maggie. Just one little friendly mistletoe kiss. What harm could it do?”

It could do a lot of harm. Danger, danger, Will Robinson. The only way to get through this was to keep Alex and all his temptations firmly at arm’s length. Her brain knew that but it seemed her body wasn’t quite so sure. The tingle had spread from her wrist and was creeping up her arm, stealing through her nerves like soft fire, weakening her defenses.



“People will get the wrong idea.”

“What kind of wrong idea? That you like me? Isn’t that kind of the point?”

“Liking you is different from liking you. I don’t want them thinking that.” If Hana could hear her now, she’d be shaking her head in disgust. She’d done another round of “use your advantages” to get control of the new boss while they’d shopped.

But that wasn’t how Maggie played the game. And, looking up at Alex, she had the distinct feeling that she was out of her league. This wasn’t a man to trifle with. Not a man who’d be led around by his nose or any other body part. Nope. He was a man who would take over. Take control. And if she gave up the few things she still controlled at this point she might just go crazy.

“I think you’re more afraid that you might get the right idea,” he said softly.

“Oh? What idea is that exactly?”

“That you want to kiss me.”

“I thought we’d covered that part back in the bar.”

“Yeah, but that was that nasty tequila talking. You were upset.”
