Page 53 of The Devil In Denim

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In his place, she’d probably be mainlining cookies, trying to keep all the balls in the air.

She turned to watch him go.

The boss, she reminded herself. Then turned back to the computer screen, her foot tapping restlessly as she tried to remember what she’d been about to type before he’d interrupted her.

Her hand stole back toward the cookie jar as she skimmed the last few notes she’d made. A few more hours, she’d said. She wanted the report to be perfect. She didn’t want it to bounce back to her with a list of politely professional further questions. Though she wasn’t sure if that was her professional pride or her increasing annoyance at his unbreachable façade talking.

Damn it.

She definitely needed a cookie.

Alex was hanging up the phone as Maggie approached his desk. He smiled as he pushed his chair back, looking satisfied. “I thought you might have gone home.”

She shook her head. It was only a little after seven. True, many of the Saints’ administration team had left for the day, but she’d been working as late as him all week. “I said I’d finish this for you today.” She handed him the neatly bound report. “There’s a copy in your e-mail and I cc’d Mal and Lucas.”

“Thanks.” He took the folder and flipped it open, flicked through the first few pages. “This is great. Looks like I’ve got some studying up to do.”

“You probably know the basics about most of them already.”

“The basics aren’t enough. I need to get up to speed. We all do.”

“You could make flash cards,” she suggested. “Drill yourself. Or have your minions make flash cards and get them to drill you.”

“Most of my minions are busy running my other companies while I’m here.”

“Well, you could go back to them and leave this to me,” she said.

He smiled.

Her stomach curled.

Damn it.

“Nice try, but I’m not going anywhere.” He leaned back in his chair, stretched, then stood and came around his desk. She started to step back and caught herself. She needed to act like she didn’t care, not shy like a startled horse. Alex passed her and crossed over to the window. Thankfully. He stretched again, the moves molding his white shirt close to his body. She looked away, trying not to notice. He turned back.

“It hasn’t been that bad, has it? Working with me this week? I think we’ve done well so far.”


“You’re doing a good job. We make a good team.” His tone was bland but there was a spark in his eyes. Or was there? Maybe she was imagining it.

“Thanks,” she managed.

“Have you eaten? I’m starving.”

The four of them had eaten so much late-night pizza already that week that Maggie didn’t think she could face another round. Besides, she’d scarfed down about four cookies before she’d stopped herself. Really, she was going to have to start working out again.

“No, I’m good.”

Alex’s eyes narrowed. “You had cookies for dinner.”

“What makes you think there are any cookies left? The three of you have been eating them all week.”

“There were still some in the jar earlier.”

“No thanks to the three of you,” she said. “You shouldn’t be hungry either.”

“I’ve talked up an appetite,” he said. “Damned teleconferences. I’ve had four in a row this afternoon. Remind me to remind Mal to get the video conference working.”
