Page 55 of The Devil In Denim

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“I—” She paused. “I don’t know.”

“I’m not,” he said. “If someone finishes with me, we’re done. No confusion.”

“No regrets?”

“I didn’t say that.” His eyes darkened further. “But I’ve learned that you can’t keep someone with you by sheer force of will. If they’re out, they’re out. Cut your losses and move on.”

“Kind of proves my point.”


“That if we finished, you’d just move on.”

“I thought we were talking about you kicking me out of your bed, not the other way around.”

“Does it make a difference?”

“Yes. For one thing, right now, I think it would take a very long time for me to get tired of this.” He dipped his head, brushed his mouth across hers, dragging her lower lip away from the upper and sucking it briefly.


“That wasn’t very convincing.”

But he stepped back. Apparently no meant no with this man. Nice to know.

Maggie sucked in a breath, tried to think. Her body fought back, sending a surge of warmth through her as Alex’s scent came with the air she drew in.

“Too fast.”

“Ah.” He stayed where he was, considering her for a moment. “Well then, how about I call a different play?”


“Slow ball,” he said with a grin. “A test, if you will.”

“A test of what?”

“To see if we rate further investigation.”

“Investigation?” She was starting to sound like a parrot. A breathy parrot.

“Uh-huh. No sex.”

Her body disapproved of that idea. Vehemently. “That sounds?—”

“Actually, let me rephrase. No home runs.”

“Oh.” Her brain translated the phrase with a slight delay. “Oh.”

“Just some exploratory fieldwork.” He grinned. “Try out a few bases.”

This time her brain got it immediately. And immediately started spitting out images to match Alex’s words. Alex kissing her, Alex’s hands on her. Sliding over and under and … oh my. “Aren’t we a bit old for that?” Her voice sounded squeaky.

“I don’t know. There are a couple I’m quite fond of. Besides, we can always redefine a few if we want to.”

“Is that within the spirit of the game?”

“Our game. Our rules. What do you say? Wanna play?”
