Page 59 of The Devil In Denim

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His voice sounded serious. She looked up, met those very green eyes.


“Stop freaking out.”

“I’m not freaking out. I’m just?—”

“Freaking out. Don’t. This was a test run. I think it went pretty well but you get the deciding vote.”

Her eyes narrowed. “What does that mean?” Oh God. Was he going to go down on her on his desk and then just move on to the next sucker dumb enough to fall for his charm?

“It means I’m being a gentleman. As much as my instincts are telling me to finish taking off your clothes and have my way with you, that would only freak you out more. So, we’re not going to do that.” He rolled to his knees and started straightening his clothes.

“What are we going to do?” she asked, sounding more plaintive than she would’ve liked.

“We going to get dressed, we’re going to go back to work, and then you’re going to tell me when you’re ready for the second inning.”

“What makes you think there’s going to be another inning?”

He reached out, brushed his thumb along her lip. She shivered, breath catching.


“You’re pretty cocky, aren’t you?”

“Sure. But that’s what you like about me.”

She didn’t even try to suppress the eye roll. “You’re also delusional.”

“Maybe.” He stood, then held a hand down to her and helped her to her feet. “But you seem to share my brand of crazy if I am.”

Chapter Eleven

The next day Alex fought a battle between necessity and memory. He’d just about coaxed his brain back into focusing on the budget forecasts in front of him, instead of reconstructing what he and Maggie had been doing on his desk the night before, when Mal and Lucas appeared in his doorway.

He waved them in, reaching for his best “I didn’t do anything and you can’t prove it” expression. His desk was back to its usual organized state, no sign of the chaos he’d caused. There hadn’t been much sign of Maggie either today. Avoiding him, it seemed. He frowned down at the pile of printouts in front of him.

“Hey,” Mal said, “What are you reading?”

“Budgets,” Alex said.

Mal looked hopeful. “The one I sent you for the new security system?”

Alex shook his head. “Nope, that one’s about five down in the queue. This is the operating budget for the stadium catering.”

Lucas came up beside Mal. “Sounds riveting. Did you get my e-mail about Doc Jones’s team analysis?”

“Also in the queue,” Alex admitted.

“What the hell have you been doing today?” Mal asked.

“Reading,” Alex said firmly. “Lots of reports. And a ridiculous number of meetings. Believe me, you two are not the only ones who want my attention.” What little he had of it today. Pity the one person he wanted to give said attention to was not asking for any of his time.

“Yeah, but we’re the only ones giving you ridiculous amounts of money for this little venture,” Mal said, his expression only half joking. “Doesn’t that move us up the queue a little?”

“Yes. That’s why you’re only five down the list, not twenty-five. Any higher than that then you’re going to have to try and bribe Gardner.”

Lucas shrugged. “I have to get back to the hospital. Was there anything else you needed me to do today?”
