Page 64 of The Devil In Denim

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The game hasn’t started.

Oh, so I’m just a diversion?

Oh no. I take this very seriously. He still didn’t look at her when everyone in the box climbed to their feet as the opening bars of “The Star-Spangled Banner” boomed out of the speakers and the celebrity du jour started belting out the words.

Her phone vibrated again in her hand as she mouthed along to the words, thankful for the fact that she’d sung them practically eleven million times and had the lyrics engraved on her brain so that she could remember them even when she was dying to see what he’d written next.

Luckily the singer stuck to a short version, without endless repeats of choruses and verses. Maggie surreptitiously turned her phone over as she sat back down once the applause had died down.

For instance, I wouldn’t be thinking about the taste of your nipples during the national anthem if you were just a pregame diversion.

She almost dropped the phone a second time. Beside her, Alex grinned. As she leaned forward to stuff her phone back in her bag she heard him say “chicken” very softly. Her eyes narrowed. She wasn’t a chicken. The phone buzzed again.

I’m also thinking about that little noise you make when I kiss you.

She sucked in a breath, trying not to think about it too. Time to take the upper hand.

Maybe you should be thinking about the red lace I’m wearing.

She resisted the smile when she heard him grunt softly.

Oh I am. Why don’t you think about me taking it off you?

I think this time, gentlemen first. I want to see you when you watch me.

Any time, any place. So, if I was lying naked in your bed, what would you do to me?


“Maggie Jameson, I haven’t seen you in forever.”

Maggie jumped, almost knocking over her glass of wine. She shoved her phone in her jacket pocket and looked up to see Ramona smiling down at her, with a glint in her eye. Damn, how had she gotten in? Maggie stood to greet her. Ramona wore black as usual but her suit was just as sharp as her dress had been at the party and the diamonds in her ears gleamed. “Do you rep someone playing?” Maggie knew all the baseball players that Ramona had taken on as clients but she didn’t pay much attention to the other sports she covered.

“Couple of guys in the Giants.”

“Well, they’ve had a good year, you must be happy.” Maggie saw Ramona’s gaze drift down to Alex and cursed a little. There was no graceful way to avoid introducing them. “Did you two meet at the party?” Alex lifted his head at the sound of his name, his face polite and bland.

Ramona shook her head. “Only for a minute. Though Brett’s been telling me all about what’s been happening at the Saints.”

“He’s a great pitcher and we’re lucky to have him,” Alex said smoothly. “You’ve got a good eye for talent.” He held out his hand.

Ramona shook it. “I also know what my clients are worth, Mr. Winters.”

“Let’s not talk shop,” Maggie said. “Ramona, you should be thinking about football today, not baseball.”

“Oh, I’m good at multitasking.” Ramona kept her eyes on Alex, her smile feline with anticipation.

Maggie couldn’t tell whether Ramona was looking forward to beating Alex at the negotiating table or trying to win him over in another arena altogether. An alarming flare of possessive outrage rose at the thought it might be the latter. “I’m sure you are. So why don’t you come with me to the ladies’ and catch me up on all the gossip? I was in Europe for six weeks, I’m out of the loop.”

Ramona arched one dark eyebrow at her. “Hana and Shelly didn’t catch you up?”

“I’m sure you know things they don’t.” Maggie looped her arm through Ramona’s and took a step away from Alex. “C’mon, Ramona. I want to hear something juicy.”

Luckily Ramona let herself be dragged away toward the private bathroom outside the box. When they were both reapplying lipstick, Ramona shot her a speculative look in the mirror, brown eyes alight with curiosity. “You and Winters look cozy. Anything I should know? I’ll admit, I was surprised when Brett said you were staying on with the Saints.”

“I’ve worked for the Saints most of my life, I wouldn’t think it was that surprising.”

“I thought you’d be on your dad’s side?”
