Page 66 of The Devil In Denim

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Once again, Will held her hand just a little too long before he released it. “Don’t be. He was a mean old son of a bitch. Dropped dead on the golf course, so he probably died happy which is more than he deserved.”

Maggie blinked, not sure how to respond. “I see. Still?—”

“Left me all his money though, so that’s something,” Will said with a satisfied smile that made Maggie somehow want to go and take a shower. “No more asking for handouts.”

You could have gone and got a job, Maggie thought. She couldn’t throw stones at Will for being the child of a wealthy family but she at least had worked for the Saints since she’d been old enough to make herself useful. She’d started off by filing for Shonda and the general manager’s office and worked her way up from there. But Will … She tried to think if she knew anything about what he’d done before and after he’d worked for them. Nothing came to mind. She, and most of the other women involved with the Saints, had been glad to see the back of him, and then she’d been occupied with college and life.

“That must be nice for you,” she managed.

A cell phone shrilled to life—not hers—and Ramona held up a hand. “Sorry, I have to take this call.” She snapped a Bluetooth headpiece onto her ear and wandered off down the hallway, leaving Maggie alone with Will.

“So what brings you to the game?” Will asked.

“I’m here for work.”

“Here with Winters?” He smirked at her. “You two looked cozy at that press conference. Smart move, getting in with the boss.” He winked. “Seems like you’ve changed your tune.”

“I’m not getting in with anyone. I’m here to introduce Alex to a few people and that’s it,” Maggie said icily.

“Sure,” Will said. “Always figured that Saint Maggie thing was an act. You were a bit skittish when I knew you but you’ve grown up since then.” He looked her up and down. “You look good.”

“I have to go,” Maggie said, unwilling to talk to him any longer. She’d forgotten exactly how he could make her skin crawl. What the hell did Ramona see in him, anyway?

“Now, now, don’t rush off. Doesn’t hurt you to be friendly, does it?”

She summoned a smile with an effort. “No. But I’m here with someone and it’s kind of rude to leave him alone for all this time.”

“Alex Winters is a big boy. He’ll survive.”

She wasn’t sure she would. Not without kicking Will in the shins as he so richly deserved if he didn’t get out of her way very soon. She moved to step around him and he blocked her. She stepped back, the hairs on her neck prickling uneasily. “Get out of my way, Will.”

He smiled down at her but there was nothing friendly in the expression. “Don’t be rude, Maggie. Doesn’t pay to burn bridges in business.”

“I’m not burning anything, Will, I’m just asking you to get out of my way.”

“Or what?”

“Or I’ll show you what I learned growing up with many overly protective guys who didn’t like the thought of other men bugging me.”

He didn’t move. “You think you can take me?”

“I think I can make you sorry you didn’t let me by,” Maggie gritted, ignoring the fear in her stomach. Ramona was only about ten yards down the corridor after all. They were in a public place. Sutter wasn’t dumb enough to actually cause a scene, was he? He’d always been a dick but not an idiot.

“You should be nicer to people, Maggie. You never know what might happen.”

“Maggie?” Alex’s deep voice came from behind Sutter and she felt the knots in her stomach ease a little. She knew she could handle Sutter on her own but that didn’t mean she wasn’t glad of a little reinforcement.

Sutter turned and saw Alex and promptly moved out of Maggie’s way. She walked past him and joined Alex.

“I thought you’d abandoned me,” he said. “You missed a touchdown.”

“Sorry,” she said. “I was just catching up with Ramona. And Will here.”

“Will Sutter,” Alex said. “I knew your father a little. Sorry for your loss.” He held out his hand.

Sutter took it, and Maggie thought she saw him wince a little at Alex’s grip. She tried to ignore the flare of satisfaction in her stomach at the thought.

“How do you know Maggie?” Alex asked.
