Page 69 of The Devil In Denim

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“Alex?” she prompted.

“Just give me a minute.”


“Well, you just kind of indicated that you might sleep with me. It’s distracting.”

Shit. He was right.

“No I didn’t.” She was trying to remember what her point had been. “I was trying to ask what you saw in me.”

“You don’t want me to answer that right now, do you?”


“Well,” he said. “It might have something to do with the fact that you’re gorgeous.”

“You’ve dated women far prettier than me.”

“Not really. And none of them could hit a baseball like you.”

“Take many of them to the batting cage, did you?”

“Not many of them were that interested.”

“Surely there are some sports fans among the society gals.”

“Maggie,” he said impatiently. “Do you really want to talk about my old girlfriends?”

Her stomach tensed again at the g word. “I don’t know.”

“As far as I can tell, you want to know if I’m going to bolt for the door about five minutes after I come,” he said with a sideways glance at her. He flicked on the turn signal and Maggie realized that they’d reached her apartment building.

Of course, Alex being Alex, there was a parking space about twenty yards from the building door. The Jeep slid neatly into place and Alex jerked on the handbrake. “Is that about right?”

“Um, yes. I guess so.”

“Then the answer is no. No, I’m not.” He twisted in the seat, so that he was facing her. The light from the street was barely enough to see his face. “How about you?”


“Yes. Are you intending on kicking me out of bed and pretending like it never happened?”

“Like that’s ever happened to you.”

“You might be surprised. And that didn’t answer my question.”

She twisted a piece of hair around her finger. Did she really want to answer? Once she did, if she told the truth, there was probably only one way tonight was going to end. The tip of her finger started to turn red, then white.


“No.” She sighed and let the hair go. “No, I don’t intend on kicking you out of bed.”

“Good.” He smiled then the expression faded. “Not good? What’s wrong?”

“It’s just…” Her gut churned. She didn’t even know how to explain what she was thinking.

“Yes?” he prompted.
