Page 77 of The Devil In Denim

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The phone jiggled into life again. This time, Hana’s name flashed on the screen and Maggie reached for the phone. Alex had abandoned her and she needed to talk to someone.

“Maggie, where are you?” Hana said.

“At home.”

“Have you seen the news?”

“Yes.” There wasn’t much more to say.

“Brett is going nuts. The whole team is going nuts.”

“Good nuts or bad nuts?”

Hana paused. “Define good and bad.”

“Do they like Sutter or the terrible trio?”

“I don’t know. Brett likes Alex, I know that much.”

“Sutter’s a jerk. He’ll move the team.”

“He’s offering more money,” Hana said. “Ramona already called Brett and said Sutter would up his salary. A lot.”

Shit. Ramona. Maggie hadn’t even thought about Ramona. So that was what Sutter was doing cozying up to her. Trying to get some of the players on his side. Crap.

“Are you sure?”

“Yes. Brett put her on speakerphone. We’re talking a lot of money, Maggie.”

“Brett loves it here.”

“So do I. I do not want to end up living in Texas, Maggie. It’s way too hot. And full of cows.”

“Sutter lives in Dallas. I doubt there are many cows roaming the streets of Dallas.”

“I don’t care. I don’t like cows.”

“Well, it’s not up to the players. It’s up to the owners.” They’re the ones who have to vote for the deal.

“Yeah, well, the players will be interested if Sutter starts offering deals. And they will talk. I don’t know if the other team owners voting will care what the team thinks, but if they do, then you’ve got trouble,” Hana said. “You’ve got to stop this.”

“It’s hardly up to me.”

“You’ve gotta help the terrible trio then. They’ve got to lock in their votes. They need Saint Maggie to be on their team.”

She hadn’t been so saintly last night. She bit her lip again. Now wasn’t the time to spring that news on Hana. Nope, because Hana was right. Saint Maggie was needed and Saint Maggie wouldn’t be sleeping with her brand-new only-met-a-few-weeks-ago boss. There were some conservative types among the team owners. They might frown at that. Hell, they might frown at Alex for seducing her, even if they didn’t care about the fact that he was her boss and they’d only just met. Nope. This needed to be kept deep under the radar.

“Maggie? Are you there?”

“Yes. Sorry, thinking. Don’t worry, I’m on their team.”

“Sutter. Tom sacked him, yes?”

Hanapedia would remember that detail. Maggie couldn’t remember if Brett had already joined the Saints or not back when Sutter was involved. “Yes. He was a bit too ambitious for Dad’s liking. Kept overstepping the mark and then he screwed up a couple of things because of it. Is Brett talking with the other guys?”

“The phone hasn’t stopped ringing. I think they’re going to have a team meeting today.”

“Okay. Can you keep me posted on what happens … and let me know if anyone else is being offered deals?”
