Page 83 of The Devil In Denim

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“That’s true. But you see, right now, one of the things I want is you. Granted, crushing Sutter like the bug he is, is also high on my list of priorities, but I want you to know that it isn’t the only thing on the list. Not by a long shot. So some of that laserlike focus is all yours. If you want it.”

A rush of pink colored her cheeks. One hand traced a nervous circle in the moisture beading on the outside of her glass. “Focus, huh? What exactly would you be focusing on?”

Good. That was more like the reaction he was looking for. “What would you like me to focus on? Anything … bothering you? Any needs that need attending to?”

“Well, I do have this pile of stuff that needs filing,” she said with a grin.

“I have minions who can file for you, if you want.”

“Below your pay grade, is it?”

“No, just a waste of my other talents.”

“And exactly how would you describe those talents?”

“Good at problem solving. Good with my hands. Last night you seemed to think I was pretty good at giving you a screaming orgasm.”

A startled burst of laughter. Followed by her cheeks staining even deeper. “Is that so?”

“Unless you were faking. And I don’t think you were faking.”

“Oh, no one ever fakes with the great Alex Winters?”

He shrugged. “I’m sure women have but I don’t think you did. You seem like the kind of woman to tell me what I was doing wrong rather than lying back and being unsatisfied.”

“Are you saying I’m bossy?”

“I’m saying you seem to know what you like. That’s a compliment, by the way.” He drained his beer, set it on the table next to the rapidly cooling pizza. “So … are we going to keep bantering or are we going to move on to something more interesting?”

She tilted her head, dark eyes studying him. Her finger was still moving against the glass.

Hesitation. Why was she hesitating? “Something wrong?”

She shook her head but he didn’t believe it.

“Maggie, talk to me.” He leaned toward her.

“You left pretty fast this morning. Tonight it’s pizza and let’s go to bed…”

“I didn’t come to see you just to get laid, if that’s what you’re asking. And like I said, if Sutter hadn’t made his announcement this morning, I wouldn’t have left. I came because I wanted to see you and eat pizza and finish the day with something good.”

Her smile returned. “So you don’t want to have sex?”

He shook his head. “I have absolutely no objection to the something good including you naked. But if you’re not in the mood, then I’ll live with it. Might need another beer though.”

“So it’s me or beer?”

“I strongly lean toward the former.”

“Well, that’s a relief.”

He allowed himself to smile. “Is that a yes?”

She took a sip of beer, licked foam off her lip—the path of her tongue arresting—and considered him. “No abandoning me in the morning?”

“No. I have to get up early but so do you. But until then, I’m all yours.”

All hers. Now there was a thought to make a girl catch her breath. Maggie watched Alex as he leaned forward in his chair, looking a little rumpled and a lot gorgeous.
