Page 91 of The Devil In Denim

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“You don’t know that for sure.”

“Are you trying to hedge your bets, Maggie?”

“I’m considering a job offer.”

“I thought you wanted to save the Saints.”

“I do.”

“Sutter won’t save them, he’ll tear them down and set fire to everything you love about this team. And, trust me, you won’t like what rises from the ashes.”

“You don’t know that. And, if I’m CEO I’d get to make a lot of those calls.”

Chapter Seventeen

Alex rolled his eyes. “With Sutter you’ll get to make exactly the calls he wants you to. Anything else and he’ll pull the plug so fast your head will spin.”

“You don’t even know him,” Maggie snapped.

“I’ve been studying. And I know his type. He’s arrogant.”

“Some might say it takes one to know one.”

“I’ve earned what I’ve got. Sutter hasn’t. He’s just playing with the toys his dad left him at this point. Who knows if he’ll break them or get bored and want to do something else?”

“Is that what you think of me? That I haven’t earned what I have?” They were still separated by about ten feet. Suddenly it felt more like an ocean of distance.

Alex shook his head, a finger tugging irritably at his open collar. “You’ve worked for the Saints. Sutter coasted until his dad died.”

“That’s not true. He worked for us. He’s done other things.”

“And every time he bailed or was fired or got bored and quit from what I can tell. I thought you didn’t like him. Why are you defending him?”

“No, I’m trying to understand why you think it’s so ridiculous that someone else might appreciate what I have to offer.”

“He’s appealing to your vanity. He just wants you in order to weaken my bid.”

“Doesn’t that mean that you just want me to strengthen yours?” Say no. Say no. Say no. Tell me I’m more than that.

“I value your skills.”

That wasn’t no. Her stomach was starting to feel like it was full of concrete, cold and heavy. “He thinks I can be CEO.”

“I thought we were on the same team, Maggie. I thought you’d decided you believed in what we were doing here.”

“I want what’s best for the Saints,” she replied.

“And you think that’s Will Sutter?”

“No, but it might be me as CEO,” she said bluntly.

Alex straightened his shoulders. “In that case, maybe this is the time when I remind you you signed a contract with me.” His voice was as controlled as his rigid posture. He looked like a man expecting to be obeyed.

“What’s that supposed to mean? Are you going to sue me if I go to work with Sutter?” Her anger spiked to a new level. She should’ve known. Should have known that when push came to shove he’d be one of those guys. The “my way or the highway” kind. The kind that did what was best for himself and the devil take everyone else.

“I’m saying Gardner writes a very tight contract.”

“You’d sue me?”
