Page 99 of The Devil In Denim

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“He said he’d sue you?”

“Not exactly.”

“Yikes. Still, there’s a simple solution for that. Stop sleeping with him. There are plenty of other fish in the sea. You didn’t do anything dumb like fall for him, did you?”

“No-o.” The denial came a little too slowly.

“Maggie, you’ve only known the guy a few weeks. You can’t have fallen for him.”

“You always say that you fell for Brett at first sight.”

Hana nodded then shrugged. “I did. But I’m a freak.”

“You’re also the one who told me to sleep with Alex.”

“I didn’t think you were going to do it. Or that you’d be dumb enough to fall for him if you did.” Hana chewed her lip. “Okay, so this is a problem.”

“Yes, because I can’t fall for someone who always has to have things go the way he wants. I’m not that sort of person.”

“No. No, you’re not. Is this why you’re thinking about Sutter? Because it’s less complicated?”

“No, I’m thinking about Sutter because he’s offering me a great opportunity.” And yes, she definitely wouldn’t be tempted to sleep with him and that was a plus.

“You have to work this stuff out, Maggie. And maybe you need to think about the job separately from the ‘I was dumb and slept with my boss’ part.”

“Don’t give me the business and personal speech, he already did that one.”


“Yes. But the problem is, the Saints are personal to me.”

“Yes, but the part where you’re tangled up with Alex in the sheets has to be taken out of the equation. I don’t mind you thinking with your heart about the Saints, but don’t think with your va-jay-jay.”

“I am not thinking with my— Look, I’m not even going to say it. I’ve made up my mind about sleeping with him anyway. It’s a terrible idea and I’m stopping right now.”

“Just like that.”


“So he wasn’t that good in bed?”

Maggie glared. “Shut up.”

Hana giggled. “Okay. Sorry. I’ll be a properly sympathetic friend and tell you that you’re making the right decision.”

“Am I?”

“Personally, I’d say hell no but you’re not me. If you don’t think you can work with Alex and sleep with him and not get your heart trampled on then either don’t work with him or don’t sleep with him.”

“I could work with Sutter,” Maggie said.

“I’m pretty sure if you work with Sutter then your chances of sleeping with Alex are pretty low. Like ‘Saints winning the World Series this year’ low.”

“See, that’s my problem, his way or the highway.”

“So then work with him and don’t sleep with him. I’ll fix you up with as many men as you want. I’ll buy you a goddamn state-of-the-art vibrator. Whatever it takes.”

“You really don’t like Sutter, do you?”
