Page 6 of Prairie Sky

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“I’m heading into town too.” Ben answered. “I need supplies for some paddock repairs this afternoon.”

“A farmer’s work is never done!” Ever exclaimed as she turned around to face Ben, a whimsical look on her face.

“It never is,” he replied, giving her a sweet smile. “Meet later this afternoon at farm supply?”

“It’s a date!” she offered,flashing him a dazzling smile with a wink.

With flushed cheeks, he took in her words, and his lips curved into a smile. “See you later.”

“Wouldn’t miss it!” she shouted, knowing exactly what she was doing to him.


Primrose was a typical prairie town, 40 minutes southeast of Winnipeg and 20 minutes from the small city of St. Augustine. With a population of just over 2000 residents, it was a quiet close-knit community surrounded by family farms and vast open fields mainly comprising wheat, canola, and sunflowers. The town had two schools, one church, a post office, a mechanic shop, hardware store, an insurance agency, a firehouse, a feed mill in the centre and exactly two places to grab a meal, Lings Chinese Food restaurant and the coffee shop/gas station/anything your heart desires store called “Eazy Café and Gas Bar.”

Ever pulled up to the Eazy and got out of her car. The sign on the front was wooden and worn, the same sign that graced the front of the building when she was a kid. She smiled at the fond memories of this place. A place she hung out at with friends and worked at in her teen years. It had not changed and was still the best place to get a greasy burger, as well as the latest piece of town gossip with your visit.

Ever stepped into the cafe and was greeted with the smell of fried onions and burgers on the grill, as well as familiar and unfamiliar stares from the patrons occupying the tables and booths. Their curious stares were followed by whispers as Ever spotted Bea sitting in their favorite booth along the back wall.

Bea jumped out of the booth and slow motion ran to Ever, wrapping her arms around her when she reached her.

“You always know how to make me laugh!” Ever exclaimed, throwing her head back in laughter.

Bea shrugged and flashed her a sassy smirk as she made her way back to their table. Ever took a seat across from her and picked up her menu.

“What’s good here?” Ever asked cheekily as she paged through the ancient menu.

“Ha! That menu has not changed in the last twenty years!” Bea laughed. “Same greasy goodness! Want to share a Cheeseburger platter like the old days? Oh, and two chocolate shakes?” she asked, raising her eyebrows in question.

Slamming down the worn, cracked menu on the table, Ever replied. “Deal!”

A bubbly blonde teen waitress took their order, and they settled into their booth with familiar ease.

“So, how was your first morning back at the old homestead?” Bea asked with curiosity, taking a sip of her water.

“Kind of surreal. Feels strange but good to be back as well.” she replied. “Did the morning chores with Ben, got acquainted with the animals, and he walked me through the current farm business details.”

“So, you met Ben?” Bea asked, a glint of mischief in her question.

“I did.” Ever smiled in reflection. “He surprised me this morning. I must have left the kitchen door open, and he made us coffee. We had breakfast together before heading into the barn. Do you know him well?”

“Girl, I know everyone!” she answered with a big guffaw, then continued. “Ben is a great guy, literally one of the best. He lives with his younger brother Hayden in their childhood home, not far from you. Both his parents passed away in a car accident a few years ago. His parents ran the local hardware store and since their passing Hayden runs the family business. Ben helps him from time to time, but his heart is on the farm. He is a farm boy through and through.”

Ever nodded in agreement. “Yes, you can tell he loves it. He said he hoped to have his own farm one day.”

“Yeah, that man was destined for farming. Built for it too! He is huge!” Bea exclaimed, throwing her hands up to emphasize her point. “Like a freakin’ tree!”

They both giggled like two schoolgirls chattering over a boy.

“They definitely broke the mold when they made him.” Ever agreed with an appreciative smirk. “He sure is handsome, too. If you are into that huge, muscly, rugged country boy look…” she trailed off, staring beyond her friend in thought, her teeth gripping the corner of her bottom lip.

Bea leaned back on the bench and crossed her arms, her lips curving up in a knowing smile. “You like him already, don’t you?”

Ever focussed back on her friend, a huge smile on her face, knowing Bea could read her like a book. “He is so sweet. He has this quiet gentleness about him that seems like such a contrast to his size. It's kind of intriguing,” she replied, and let out a little whistle. “And he sure is pretty to look at.”

Both Ever and Bea looked at each other, then broke into a fit of giggles as the door chime sounded.

“Speak of the devil…” Bea whispered from the corner of her mouth, her eyes darting towards the door.
