Page 15 of Pretty Dependable

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“Brody’s looking good this year,” Mr. Ramirez says a few rows behind me.

“He is,” I confirm, glancing back and offering a polite smile to the man who runs the bank.

“I brought you popcorn,” Hallie states, dropping onto the metal bleacher beside me.

“Thank you,” I reply, taking the warm, buttery treat from my friend and popping a kernel into my mouth.

“You ready for this?” she asks between her own bites.

“As ready as I’ll ever be. I’m super excited to watch them play, but it’s also bittersweet. This is his last year.”

She nods in understanding. “TD said they’re looking good this year.”

Now it’s my turn to nod. “That’s what I’m told.”

“These seats taken?” Blair asks as she approaches where we sit.

“Of course not,” I tell another of my closest friends. While Hallie stayed around Pine Village, Blair moved to Indiana when we were seniors in high school following her parents’ divorce. She returned last year to help her father out at his medical practice, falling in love with Gabe along the way. She’s here to stay now, living with Hallie’s older brother and sharing the medical practice with him.

Gabe follows, sliding onto the bleacher behind us and says hello.

“Brother,” Hallie states over her shoulder, narrowing her eyes at him as she shovels popcorn in her mouth.

“Sister,” he replies, offering her a wide grin.

My eyes volley back and forth between the two before glancing up at Blair, who is sitting beside Gabe. “What’s up with them?”

Blair rolls her eyes. “Gabe went over to help move some furniture at her condo the other day,” she says, looking toward the walkway and smiling.

“Okay, I don’t get it,” I reply, my eyes seeking out Hallie for further clarification.

“He wasn’t alone,” she grumbles, shoving a whole handful of popcorn into her mouth so she can’t close her lips.

“Hey, guys,” Logan greets as he approaches, and that’s when I realize why Hallie is so annoyed at her brother. She hates Logan. I’m not really sure why, other than the fact he can push her buttons like nobody can, but I do admit, it’s amusing to watch.

“Ellie,” Logan says with a nod before sliding onto the end of the bleacher, right behind Hallie. “Satan,” he adds, causing her to do this weird growl, choking sound.

She chews quickly, getting all her snack down before turning to glare at the man behind her. “What are you doing here?”

“It’s a football game,” he replies casually, taking a sip from his bottle of water. “I like football.”

“He used to play,” I add unnecessarily. Everyone knows Logan Johnson used to play football. He went to college for it, playing at the University of Wisconsin as their starting quarterback, until his senior year when a knee injury ended all chances of him ever playing professionally.

Hallie narrows her eyes at me. “Yes, I know he used to play,” she argues.

Shrugging, I reply somehow with a straight face, “Okay, just making sure.”

“He went through my panty drawer.”

That catches the attention of everyone around us, as all eyes zero in on Hallie.

“He what?” I ask, unable to fight my laughter this time around.

“My panty drawer! The jerk moved my dresser and went through my things,” Hallie seethes.

Logan sighs. “Your panties were the least of my worries, cupcake. I pulled out the top drawer to try to get a better grip on her dresser, and the drawer fell out. The damn thing’s older than I am, and the slide inside the drawer was busted.”

“And my panties…went everywhere! He was holding them in his hand.”
