Page 23 of Pretty Dependable

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Wanting to say more, but knowing this isn’t the time, I open the door, prepared to walk out. “Lock up behind me,” I remind, just like I always do.

She stops and faces me, a small grin on the very lips I kissed just a few minutes ago. “I will.”

With one last glance at the woman in front of me, I exit the apartment, pulling the door tightly closed behind me. I pause, waiting until I hear the familiar sound of the lock engaging before descending the steps to the bottom door. Before pulling that one closed, I throw the lock to ensure no one can get in, and head out into the dark, warm evening, my mind still wrapped around the woman upstairs.

That kiss.

I’ve had a handful of decent kisses in my life, but none compare to that one. The crackle of electricity, the heat, the chemistry. It was all there in spades. The kind of kiss you get lost in and never want to be found. Even if that person you shared it with is one of your best friends.

I hope I haven’t fucked this all up.

Chapter Seven


It’s been three days, and I’m still thinking about that kiss.

The kiss that shouldn’t have happened, yet I’m secretly happy it did.

Because that kiss was everything.

I haven’t seen TD since Friday night, not that I expected to. As the summer tourist season starts to wind down, his day job has been keeping him busy. Add in coaching, and I know he’s stretched thin. However, I imagine he’ll be by this evening when he drops Brody off after practice.

I still can’t believe my son prefers to walk the few blocks to school instead of driving my car, but when the weather’s decent, he chooses to hoof it with friends. He only drives when the weather turns colder, and even then, he may not drive every day. I’ve always wondered why, especially since most high schoolers will drive all day, every day the moment they get their license, but not Brody. He usually walks the block down the road to the grocery store he stocks shelves at or the few blocks to the park. Plus, even though he’s never confirmed it, I think he enjoys having TD take him home after practice. TD’s been his ride since he started playing freshman year, and I truly believe their friendship is a big reason for continuing that tradition. Brody looks up to TD so much, not only as a coach, but as a friend.

That’s why I can’t let that kiss Friday night change anything.

After I’ve folded my third load of laundry and put away the groceries, I decide I need a little fresh air. I don’t get many days to myself, but I always schedule myself off on Mondays. I use that day to catch up on everything I wasn’t able to get to throughout the previous week. Usually, that consists of lots of laundry, cleaning, and shopping. Sometimes, I even get to sneak in a bit of relaxing.

Like today.

Since I was fretting about the kiss last evening, I ended up doing a majority of the cleaning in an attempt to keep my mind from replaying the way his hands felt in my hair and his mouth dominated mine. It didn’t work, of course, but I was still able to get the entire place dusted, vacuumed, mopped, and tidied up. Sure, the apartment isn’t very big, but with two people busy living here, it can still get messy quickly.

Not to mention the stench of football equipment that seems to hang in the air like a fog of baked sweat and rotten feet.

However, now I’m somewhat caught up on the housework and anxious to go outside for a bit and enjoy the beautiful day. Grabbing one of the bagged chairs from the entry closet, I slip it over my shoulder and retrieve my tote. I slipped a bottle of water and a hardback book I’ve been wanting to read into it earlier, in hopes I’ll be able to steal away a couple of hours of quiet.

And maybe a little sun.

Lord knows my complexion can use a little color in it.

Once my apartment is secure, I take off toward the park. When I reach the sidewalk in front of the building, I smile as the sunshine hits me in the face. I pass a few familiar faces and offer a friendly greeting, but continue on my way, past the bank and bakery before heading south. Pine Village Park is an entire block consisting of playground equipment, a basketball court, pavilion with picnic tables, a walking path, and a new pickleball court, with ample shade trees sprinkled in. There are a few wooden benches too, but I find them uncomfortable after a little while, which is why I now bring my own chair to sit on.

Since school is in session, the park is empty, with the exception of two ladies chatting as they walk along the path. I go to the big oak tree I like to sit under and set down my tote so I have both hands to pull the chair from the bag. I position the chair away from the street, so my view is a row of pine bushes used as a barrier between the playground area and the basketball court. It’s just private enough and the breeze moves through the area well to help keep you cool.

I place the bottle of water in the holder on the chair, retrieve the book, and take a seat. A sigh of contentment slips out the moment I’m settled, my feet stretched out in front of me. The book is a historical romance I’ve heard great things about and has been featured on a streaming service recently.

The late morning transforms into early afternoon, and before I realize it, two hours have passed. I’m engrossed in the book, but my stomach is starting to remind me I haven’t eaten anything since a piece of buttered toast and an orange for breakfast with Brody before he left for school. So, instead of continuing to read the chapter I’m on, I decide to pack it up and head home.

Just as I’m slipping my book into the tote bag, a shadow falls over me. “Not surprised to still find you here.”

I glance up and find TD standing there, a small grin on his handsome face. “Hey. What are you doing here?” I ask, looking around to see if there’s something nearby that warrants police presence.

He lifts his hand and reveals the plastic bag. “I saw you sitting here earlier today, and when I drove by just a bit ago and you were still here, I thought I’d stop and grab lunch.”

“What if I’ve already eaten?” I ask, my stomach all but growling loudly.

TD smiles, and his entire face lights up. “Have you?” he asks, setting the bag on the ground in front of me and pulling out the first of two containers.
