Page 28 of Pretty Dependable

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“You’re welcome, Brody. I’ll be back shortly,” I tell him. We get out of the truck together, and while he runs in the back door to go upstairs, I maneuver around the building to use the front entrance. Fortunately, it’s still early enough to avoid the lunch rush, so once I step inside, it’s easy to find Ellie. She’s pouring water refills at a booth, smiling at something they say. That weird lurch happens in my chest, just as it does every time my friend smiles.

“Hey, what are you doing here?”

I blink, realizing she has turned her attention to me. “Hi. I wanted to speak with you for a moment, if you’ve got time.”

Worry flashes in her eyes. “Is everything okay? Brody?”

“He’s fine, El. Just wanted to run something by you.”

“Oh. Okay,” she replies, glancing toward the counter. “Viv, I’m going to step in back for a minute. Can you watch for the Pattersons’ food to come out?”

“You got it,” the other server says as she pours a cup of coffee for Victor Houston at the counter.

I follow behind as she steps through the swinging door. I know if you continue down the hall, you’ll hit the back of the building where their stairwell is, but we don’t go that far. She walks into a small office just off to the right.

“What’s up?” she asks, her chestnut brown hair pulled in a high ponytail on top of her head and her green eyes shining like the most beautiful emeralds.

“Would it be okay with you if I took Brody camping tonight?”

Apparently, I catch her off guard because she doesn’t reply right away and her gorgeous face registers confusion. “Camping?” she finally asks after several long seconds.

“Yeah. He wants to go, and I’ll be out at Logan’s cabin getting it ready for my sister, so it’s the perfect opportunity,” I tell her, deciding to leave out the part about Matt and his father always going together and Brody feeling left out. If she asks, I’ll give more details, but for now, that’s between Brody and me.

“Oh. Uh, I guess. He’s never been camping, I don’t think.”

“No, he mentioned that too, and it’s the perfect opportunity. He can help Logan and me at the cabin, and then we’ll camp out afterward.”

She seems genuinely surprised once more. “Like…under the stars? Why? You have a cabin.”

“Real men tent camp, El,” I tease, watching her make a face.

“My back would never recover.”

Mine either, which is why I’ll make sure to pack the air mattresses. “I’m going to grab some hot dogs, chips, eggs, and bacon, things like that we can cook easily over the fire. I’ll have him back by one tomorrow so he can get ready for work.”

She stares at me, her eyes filling with tears. “I don’t know what to say.”

“You’re okay with it, right? I mean, I don’t want to overstep.”

Ellie moves, walking straight toward me with determination in her eyes. “You could never overstep, TD. Never. Thank you.” Then, she wraps her arms around my waist and gently squeezes, hugging me the way she has for years.

My arms automatically go to her shoulders, holding her against me and breathing in the way her much smaller body feels against mine. Her hugs have always caused my blood to zing a little faster through my veins. Ever since we were in high school and I noticed how beautiful my friend really was. She had just started dating that asshole, Rusty Davidson, and she seemed really into him, so despite a bit of a schoolboy crush, I kept my distance. I thought perhaps the guy would be decent in the long run, but unfortunately, he proved me right in the end.

Man, I really fucking hate that guy.

When she pulls back, she gives me a tender smile. “Is there anything you need me to do before you guys go? Want me to pack lunches?”

I’m about to tell her no, but the truth is, sacked lunches might be just what the doctor ordered. When we get to the cabin, we’re going to have to set up the tent and get everything organized. Plus, help Logan unload his truck and do a few of the miscellaneous jobs he’s been putting off. A quick lunch of a cold cut sandwich and some coleslaw would do the trick.

“Actually, if you want to have the kitchen throw together a few cold sandwiches and a side, that’d be great. This way, we can get right to work when we get there and not have to worry about setting up the fire to cook lunch.”

“I’m on it,” she says eagerly with a pat on my chest. “Two?”

“Three, if you will. Logan’s gonna meet us there.”

She nods. “Coming right up.” Ellie practically runs from the office and across the hall into the kitchen. I make my way up to the counter and have a seat where I can still see her moving around the large space. She stays on the refrigerated side of the kitchen, away from where George, today’s cook, is working at the grill. After a few minutes, she comes up to where I sit and places two bags on the counter.

Pulling out my wallet, I retrieve a couple of twenties and set them beside the bags.

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