Page 31 of Pretty Dependable

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“Well, TD took Brody camping. Apparently, they are going to do a few updates to Logan’s cabin, and then camp after. When Brody came downstairs, he was so excited. Like, just as excited as when he scored his first touchdown. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him that happy to do something.”

“That’s awesome. I bet they’re having a great time.”

“When I talked to Brody before I left, they were just finishing up for the day and going to build a fire to cook hot dogs.” Our food arrives, and after the server confirms we don’t need anything else, I ask, “Have you ever been camping?”

Hallie dives into her burrito and nods. “A few times, but not recently. Remember that time we all went to Logan’s grandpa’s cabin and had that party right after graduation? Can you call twenty people piling into a two-bedroom cabin camping? I think a few people passed out outside,” she says casually, trying to remember that night.

I actually do remember the party, but not because I attended. I was very pregnant, unable to continue walking up and down my apartment stairs unless absolutely necessary, and didn’t attend any of the post-event celebrations. I heard all about the booze-filled party but had other obligations by that point in life. Hanging with my classmates to drink and toast our newest accomplishment was the last thing on my mind.

“Anyway, I went one other time a few years after that with Gabe. He was home for a long weekend from medical school, and we went with Dad. That was the last time, though.”

I scoop up a bite of my chicken, rice, and queso cheese mixture, and say, “I’ve never been.”

“No? It’s pretty fun, if you’re into the outdoors.”

“Well, we both know I’m not a fan of bugs,” I reply with a chuckle.

“You’d definitely need bug spray,” Hallie insists. “But if you get a chance, I think you’d enjoy it. You can just sit around the fire and read or think. Sometimes that’s the best part about it. Just being there, appreciating the quiet, solitude, and scenery around you. I bet TD would take you too.”

“He offered,” I say, stabbing a piece of meat with my fork.

“Oh yeah? I bet he’s willing to share his sleeping bag with you too,” she teases, the smile on her face evident in her voice, without even looking up and seeing her. “Don’t act like you didn’t hear me.”

“I’m eating,” I reply, even though that’s only a partial truth. The fact remains, I don’t want to think about sharing a sleeping bag with TD because that makes me think of the kiss before moving on to things that could happen within the confines of the sleeping bag, and that’s the last thing I need to imagine right now.

“Mmhmm,” she mutters, pointing her fork at me. “If you would look past your googly eyes, you’d see he’s totally into you.”

I look up, my stomach churning with uneasiness. “It’s not like that, Hal.”

Her eyes roll so dramatically, all I can see are the whites of her eyes. “Stop it. He’s got it bad. I think he has for a really long time.”

My heart starts to pound in my chest like a snare drum and my breathing seems a bit shallow. “We’re friends.”

“Friends who want to bang.”

I can’t help but snort a giggle. “Stop. We’re just…there’s a line. It can’t be crossed,” I insist once the giggle subsides.

“Says who?”

“Says me. I need him too much to mess it all up by getting romantically involved,” I insist quietly, trying to keep the neighboring tables from hearing our conversation. “He’s such a good friend, Hal. Like the best friend I’ve ever had, no offense. And Brody looks up to him so much, he relies on him for guidance. Look at this weekend. They’re camping because my son has never been. TD stepped up when no other man in his life ever has. I can’t risk ruining that for Brody. I won’t.”

My friend sighs and gives me a small grin filled with sadness. “I get that, Ellie, really, I do. But…okay, hear me out. What if…the reason there’s such a close connection between TD and Brody and TD and you is because there’s more there? Listen, I’m the last person who should be offering love advice, but from the outside looking in, I really believe there’s something between you. Maybe I’m wrong, but I don’t think so. None of us do.”

My mind quickly jumps from thinking about how amazing our shared kiss was to the last part of her comment. “None of you? Who all thinks that?”

Hallie shrugs and lifts her fork. “Everyone.”

Cheese and rice, everyone?!

I’m suddenly a little sweaty in the pits and the room feels like a sauna. “Like, everyone-everyone?”

She nods. “It’s not like we all sit around and talk about you, but there have been comments over the years, Ellie. Everyone has seen the way he looks at you, dotes on your every move, and goes out of his way to spend time with both you and Brody. The man caught feelings, and I’m guessing he’s had them a while. Why do you think he doesn’t date?”

My mind is spinning. “There was that one woman. What was her name? The one from out of town who always smelled like fish.”

She cracks up laughing. “Felicity Saunders. Yeah, they dated for like five minutes and that was three or four years ago. She only smelled like fish because of the seafood restaurant she worked at. Name one woman he’s dated since.”

I try to come up with a few names, but I can’t. In fact, I can’t come up with one. “I—”
