Page 50 of Pretty Dependable

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That was a tough loss.

They’re all hard, but when you’re two and oh going into the game against an equally matched opponent, it can be a bitter pill to swallow.

After a few adjustments at halftime, our third and fourth quarters were much better, scoring three more touchdowns to their one. However, in the end, we just couldn’t top the Rebels. They had studied our offense hard and made sure to cover Brody well, essentially taking him out of the game. Every catch he made was for yards, but they were able to stop his runs every time to keep him out of the end zone.

After meeting with my team and telling them to keep their heads up, I make my way through the crowd to where Ellie and my sister will be waiting. I get there in just enough time to see Brody hugging his mom, a sad and slightly worried look on her beautiful face. He took some big hits tonight, that’s for sure, and while he’ll definitely be a little sore tomorrow, he didn’t sustain any major injuries.

“Uncle TD!” Rogan hollers, running my way and leaping just before he reaches me.

I grab him easily and give him a hug. “Hey, buddy, good to see you. How was the airplane?”

“Cool! We went through a storm and the plane shook,” he boasts with an excited toothless grin.

“Yeah? Did your mom freak out?”

“Oh yeah,” he confirms, holding out his fist for a bump.

“I didn’t freak out,” Loree grumbles, heading my way for a hug.

“I believe Rogan,” I insist, setting my nephew down and pulling my sister tightly against my chest.

“He’s six,” she mutters as her air wooshes from her lungs. “Can’t breathe.”

Relaxing my arms just a bit, I quip, “Doesn’t matter his age. I can picture you gripping the armrest and trying not to pee your pants up there.”

Her eyes narrow. “One time. I did that one time, and I was eight,” she argues, hitting me in the arm.

Laughing, I place a kiss on her cheek before releasing my grip and holding up my knuckles for Hagen to bump. He’s nine now, and might be too cool for uncle hugs, but I can’t help but notice the boy barely pays me any attention. Once he taps his knuckles to mine, he turns back to Brody and hangs on his every word in complete rapture.

That’s when I notice Ellie has moved over to stand by the wall. She’s letting the young boys talk to Brody, who is answering all their questions and talking football with them. I walk over and lean against the wall beside her. “You good, El?”

She sighs and doesn’t take her eyes off her boy. “Yeah, I’m good. Tough game.”

I nod. “It was. Brody played very well. The opponent was prepared for him.”

“He took some hard hits,” she says softly.

“It’s part of the game.” I know that’ll never make a mother feel better about watching her son get tackled repeatedly, but it’s true. Football is the toughest, yet greatest sport ever, and the hitting is both a favorite aspect and a curse. The key is to train well and be prepared for it.

“Uncle TD, are you coming for ice cream with us?” Rogan hollers.

“Are you buyin’?” I ask the six-year-old.

He laughs. “I don’t got no job. You’re buying.”

“Deal,” I tell him, pushing off the wall. “You coming?”

She looks over at Brody, who now has his attention on Morgan. “Actually, I’m going to skip tonight. I think Brody is taking Morgan for ice cream, and I don’t want him to think I’m there just to spy on them.”

“He wouldn’t,” I insist.

“Maybe not, but I do have an early morning tomorrow. I have to open at six.” She glances at me out of the corner of her eye, the hint of a smile toying on her lips. “Plus, I have a date tomorrow.”

My chest starts to pound and my cock getting a little too eager in my pants. “Yes, you do. Can I still pick you up at six?”

“You can,” she confirms. “Brody is spending the night with Matt tomorrow.”
