Page 62 of Pretty Dependable

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Brody left fifteen minutes ago to pick up Morgan for their date, and he seemed incredibly excited for the evening. Of course, he’s also still riding the high of last night’s big win over Salt Ridge. He had thirteen receptions and scored three touchdowns during their road victory, the most points he’s scored in a single game to date. And to him, the icing on the cake was Morgan was in attendance to witness his incredible game. Yes, he was happy I saw it all too, but there’s nothing like the girl you’re seeing being in the stands and cheering you on.

He’s growing up right before my eyes, and there’s nothing I can do to slow down time.

A knock on the door grabs my attention. I quickly walk over and open it, revealing a mouth-watering TD, wearing well-fitting dark jeans, a dark blue Henley, and his boots. He’s freshly shaved and his dark eyes sparkle with an eagerness I’m becoming accustomed to witnessing.

“You look beautiful,” he says, his eyes trailing my body from head to toe.

“Thanks,” I reply, turning to grab my purse to try to hide my blush. “Just for the record, I haven’t bowled in about ten years. Remember when we took Brody when he was seven or eight? I think I bowled a one-fifteen, and that was with bumpers.”

He snickers. “Oh, I remember. Brody bowled a better score than you did that day, but I have faith in you, El. You can do it.”

My eyes narrow. “Or you just want to show me up on our date.”

He laughs hard now. “Not in the least. If it makes you feel better, I will make sure to suck more than you.”

“I would appreciate that,” I state, bypassing the need to dwell on his statement. It’s been a while since there was any sucking, but something tells me I wouldn’t mind giving it a shot tonight.

We slip in his truck and take off for Hudson where the bowling alley is. It’s the first time I’ve been out today, and I can’t help but notice how quickly the temperature is dropping. Last night at the game, I had to dig out my stocking cap and gloves but was able to keep warm with just a hoodie and down vest. Tonight, I’m glad I have a jacket with me, because there’s definitely a chill in the air.

“How was work?” he asks after reaching over and entwining our fingers.

“Not bad. You can tell the summer tourist season is winding down, but I kind of enjoy the slightly slower pace.”

He nods. “Don’t get too comfortable though. The colder seasons are right around the corner, and before you know it, snow will be blanketing everything, and the temperatures will be freezing.”

“Ugh,” I groan, shaking my head. “I hate winter. Why’d I stay up in northwest Wisconsin again?” I quip, not really looking for the reason. The truth was, I was too scared to leave. I was barely eighteen with a baby, living above the diner, paying pennies for rent compared to what the going rate was for rental properties around town, and working every chance I got to be able to afford diapers and formula.

“You love it here,” he teases, bringing my hand to his mouth and kissing my knuckles.

He does that a lot, and I really like it.

“If you say so. How was your day?”

“It was good. A couple of traffic stops and an argument over at Dixon’s Apartments over a parking spot.”

“Really?” I ask, curiosity getting the best of me.

“Oh, yeah. Someone parked in a spot deemed ‘theirs’ by another tenant, and when they went outside, a confrontation ensued. The person who declared the spot theirs went inside her apartment and grabbed a carton of eggs and proceeded to throw them all over the car.”

My mouth drops open. “Seriously?”

“As a heart attack. By the time I got there, the eggee was standing on the sidewalk in tears and the egger was smiling smugly on her front steps. Unfortunately for her, egging is vandalism and a pretty serious offense. She wasn’t too happy with me when I put her in cuffs, especially after explaining that there were no designated parking spots in that lot and the eggee had a right to park anywhere, including that spot in front of the egger’s apartment.”

“What a mess.”

He nods, tapping his thumb on the top of the steering wheel and looking sexier than ever as he drives. “Emotions get the best of people sometimes, and they make bad choices. Like today. Those eggs cost her more than three bucks now.”

Within fifteen minutes, we’re pulling into Hudson and driving toward the bowling alley. It’s early enough we secure a parking spot near the front and are standing at the service counter only a few minutes later.

TD reserved us a lane for two hours, and our plan is to order dinner from the bar and restaurant attached. They’ll come over, take our order, and then deliver the food once it’s ready. It’s actually a pretty great feature, as long as you follow their rules and keep the food and drinks in the designated spot by your lane.

“Ready?” TD asks, taking my hand and both pairs of ugly bowling shoes and leading me toward our lane.

The computer system is already set up, so once we are wearing our fancy shoes, we’re off to find the perfect balls. Mine is a bright pink, sparkly one that weighs nothing—no doubt intended for a young girl—while TD chooses a solid black ball that probably weighs as much as me. Setting the balls in the return rack, we prepare for our first game.

“Ladies first,” he says, waving his hand toward the lane.

Standing, I strut up to retrieve my ball, putting a little extra swing in my hips, which he clearly enjoys, if his eyes being glued to my ass is any indication. “Thank you, kind sir.”
