Page 67 of Pretty Dependable

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“Probably,” she whispers.

“I’ll drop Brode off at home when we get back.”

“All right. You’re welcome to come up if you want to,” she replies, her voice husky and dripping with desire.

“I’d love to, but I have an early morning tomorrow. Plus, I have some work after film and walk-through with the team, and then I’m picking up my girlfriend and taking her camping.”

“Wow, that sounds like fun,” she murmurs.

“A whole night, just the two of us.”

“Huh, that sounds promising. What are you going to do with this girlfriend when you get her in the cabin?”

My mind races with every dirty thought I’ve had in the last week. Hell, in the last almost two decades, and there have been a lot of dirty thoughts. “Whatever she wants me to do.”

Now it’s her eyes that darken as she shivers in anticipation. We haven’t vocalized our desires for our night away, but I’m certain we’re both on the same page. I feel it in her touch and in the way she kisses me.

“I have a list,” she whispers. “A long one.”

My cock kicks in my pants, anxious to be freed from his denim confines to get closer to her. “I can’t wait to hear it.”

Ellie finally drops her arms from around me and takes a step back. “Maybe I’ll just show you.”

This is the exact moment I have died and gone to heaven.

Tomorrow, she’s finally mine.

“I can get the appeal of camping, if I was staying in a cabin,” Ellie says, dropping onto the sofa beside me.

We’ve been here for a little over two hours, and I have yet to do any of the things I’ve been dreaming about. Namely, getting my hands on her. But I’m trying to take this night slow. After all, we have all night, and I want to make sure, without a shadow of doubt, we’re on the same page.

Ellie glances at her phone and holds it out for me to see the screen. Brody is standing along the glass, a hockey player smiling on the ice behind him. “He says he was photobombed when Matt’s dad went to take the picture. How cool is that?”

“Pretty epic. I bet he’s already shared it all over his social medias,” I say, kicking my feet up on the coffee table and holding out my arm.

Ellie types out a quick reply before setting her phone down on the table. She curls into my side, snuggling into my embrace. “I’m sure. He says he’s having fun at the game and will be home by noon tomorrow.”

Tonight was the big hockey game with Matt and his dad, which means I get Ellie to myself until midmorning, and I couldn’t be happier. We arrived just after six, and the first thing I did was start a fire in the fireplace. We cooked dinner together, deciding against a traditional camping meal and opting for spaghetti and garlic bread. Comfort food, as Ellie called it. We also went for a short walk, checking out the property around the cabin and venturing down by the lake for a bit. It was dark, but no less romantic as we walked hand in hand, the sound of her laughter echoing off the trees.

Now, we’re in front of the fire and she’s in my arms.

Where she belongs.

“So we have about fourteen hours to kill, huh?” I ask, my finger casually caressing her arm, even though she’s wearing a crewneck sweatshirt.

She turns her head and looks up at me. “Seems that way. What do you think we should do with all that time?” There’s definitely a hint of flirting in her question, and it goes straight to my balls.

“Well, there’s a Scrabble board in the closet.”

“Oh, I love Scrabble,” she says softly, burrowing deeper into my side, as if she can’t get close enough. “But I had something else in mind.”

“Checkers?” I quip, praying like hell that’s not actually her suggestion. If it is, I’ll gladly play a few board games with her, but my mind has us playing a different game. One with far less clothes.

Ellie moves, slipping from my embrace and climbing onto my lap. Before she’s even in place, my cock is hard and ready. Straddling me, she places her hands against my chest. “That’s a good thought, but still not what I was thinking.”

My throat is thick and dry as I glide my hands around her hips and grip her ass. “No? Then, why don’t you tell me.”

A flash of nervousness flits through her green eyes, but it’s quickly squashed away and replaced with determination. “I want you to take me to bed, TD.”
