Page 7 of Pretty Dependable

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“A couple of bad tenants destroyed some of the original shit in there that was his grandpa’s, and he was just done. The money was nice, but not necessary. Plus, Shay was trying to get half of the income in alimony, so he just pulled it from the rental company overseeing it. Now, he just uses it for personal use, which extends to a few friends.”

“Well, make sure it’s okay for us to use it, and if it is, I’ll book flights. Ideally, we’d come in early afternoon that Friday and leave Monday sometime.”

“I’ll call him as soon as we hang up. I’m really happy you’re coming, Lor.”

“Me too. Now we just need to work on getting you to Arizona,” she says.

“Yeah, yeah. Maybe around the holidays,” I state, even though I’m not certain that would work either. Winter is just as busy with tourists as it is in the summer months, and my day job can get busy.

“I’m holding you to it,” she insists, a smile evident in her voice. “Go call Logan and let me know. I can get the ball rolling on this end. Oh, and Thomas? If it’s not available, that’s okay too. I can check into rentals.”

“It’s available, Loree,” I counter, my words dripping with annoyance. First, because she called me by my birth name, and second because I’ve told her multiple times it is.

“Don’t be a brat, little brother.”

“I’ve got you by a solid seven inches in height and probably seventy-five pounds, little sister,” I tease, knowing it’ll drive her nuts. She’s always been a tiny thing, despite being three years older than my thirty-five years. When it came to our genes, she definitely favors our petite mother, while I’m built like my dad and uncles and stand at six two, weighing about two fifteen.

“Don’t sass me,” she states.

Laughing, I reply, “Fine. I’ll call Logan and text you.”

“Thank you. Love you, brat.”

“Love you too. Get ready to buy those tickets.”

She’s chuckling as I hang up and quickly tap my best friend’s name.


“Hey, sorry to call so late, but any chance the cabin is available for Lor and her family over Labor Day weekend?”

“Of course.”

“Sounds like Friday through Monday.”

“No problem. It’s there. Just tell me what you need me to stock it with,” he replies.

“I can handle that part.”

“I’ll go out beforehand and make sure it’s ready for them,” he insists.

“Appreciate it, man.”

“Don’t mention it. Happy to hear they’re coming for a visit.”

“Me too. I’ll text her so she can grab airline tickets.”

“Sounds good. Later,” he says before hanging up the phone.

I fire off a quick message to my sister, confirming the fact the cabin is theirs for the visit, and toss my phone onto the couch beside me. I’m excited to have my sister, brother-in-law, and nephews here for a short time. Too bad we couldn’t get our parents here too, but with my grandparents aging, they’ve been in Florida for the last couple of years to help take care of my mom’s dad.

Maybe next time, with a little more notice, we can make that happen.

Until then, I’ll enjoy spoiling my nephews and squeezing in as much fishing and hanging with them at the cabin as possible.

Definitely something to look forward to.

Chapter Three
