Page 72 of Pretty Dependable

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Blind pleasure blankets me in warmth. My body starts to sweat. I ease back and gently thrust forward, causing her to cry out, but there’s no evidence of discomfort in her noise. That one sound is like a cup of gasoline thrown on a blazing inferno. My hips buck, moving within her at a slightly faster pace now. Her pussy is so tight, so wet, so perfect, and I’m not sure I’ll ever get enough of her now. The match has been lit.

Ellie runs her fingertips up my back, her nails digging into my flesh. My mouth finds hers, our tongues tangling together as we both gasp for air. My hips start to move on their own, despite my best efforts to remain in control. Her legs shift and open farther before tightening around my lower back. The angle is pure fucking magic. That’s the only way to describe this.

I feel her pussy ripple around me. I slow my pace and find her lust-filled eyes. “Are you going to come again, El?”

“Yes,” she whispers. “So good,” she groans as her nails dig deeper.

The pain causes my hips to flex, to fill her with a bit more force, but she doesn’t seem to mind. In fact, she rocks her hips, meeting me thrust for thrust. At this point, there’s no slowing down this freight train. It’s hellbent on getting to its destination without a care in the world about what or who it destroys in the process.

I realize in this exact moment, what’s getting wrecked is my heart.

Ellie cries out, and I swallow the sounds with my mouth. Her pussy squeezes the life out of me as she starts to come, waves of bliss fluttering around my cock, causing my balls to draw up tight. Before I even have a chance, my body is following her over the edge of oblivion, taking every ounce of pleasure it’s offered.

Her name falls as a whisper from my lips as I release everything I have. Wave after wave of ecstasy courses through my veins as I shudder in relief. My body continues to move, long after the shock waves of pleasure start to subside. My kiss turns soft, my lips longing to keep our connection for as long as possible, and she seems in no hurry to break the kiss either.

Finally, when my body becomes too heavy for me to hold up any longer, I shift our positions. She releases her legs from behind my back as I move us both to our sides, facing each other. My cock, though getting softer by the second, still remains nuzzled in the warm, happy place he never wants to leave.

Ellie’s face is pressed against my neck, her breathing labored and warm against my flesh. I wrap my arm around her waist, drawing her even closer, because I can’t seem to get enough of her naked body against mine.

“TD?” she murmurs, her sated voice soft and sweet.

“Hmm?” I ask, running my hand gently up and down her back.

She pulls back and looks up, finding my gaze. “When can we do that again?”

A booming laugh rumbles my chest. “Well, as much as I love your enthusiasm, you probably need a little time to recoup. A warm bath would probably be beneficial to you, but there’s only a shower stall in the bathroom.”

She glides her hand up my arm. “I don’t need a shower, unless you’re in it with me.”

My cock kicks in response. “That could probably be arranged…later. Maybe in the morning,” I insist, allowing my hand to wander down to her bare ass. Her leg hitches over my own leg again, causing my cock to fall free from its favorite spot.

“You’re probably right,” she replies through a yawn. “The morning sounds perfect.”

“Here,” I say, carefully sliding up and off the couch without knocking her onto the floor. “I’ll be right back. Stay here,” I add, placing a kiss on her forehead before moving away.

Quickly, I head to the bathroom and discard the condom into the trash. Then, I retrieve a washcloth and clean myself up. When that task is completed, I grab a second cloth and wet it with warm water for Ellie before returning to the living room. I find her in the same spot I left her just a minute ago, except she turned and is now facing the fire. The faintest smile is stretched across her lips as she watches the flames dance in the darkness.

Suddenly, an idea hits me.

First, however, I need to take care of my woman.

I gently lift her leg and lightly brush the warm cloth across her sensitive area. She wiggles and takes the cloth from my hand, insisting on doing it herself. Usually, I might argue with her, but even in the darkened room, I can tell she’s blushing. So, I don’t draw attention to it for fear of embarrassing her further and turn my attention toward the bedroom. I quickly gather the pillows before retrieving the rest of the items I’m looking for from the hall closet.

Just as I round the corner for the living room, I find her standing in front of the couch, a confused look on her face. “I had a thought,” I start, setting the bundle of bedding and pillows down on the floor.

First thing I do is unzip the sleeping bags and lay them on top of each other in the middle of the plush rug. Then, I grab the sheet and spread it on top of the sleeping bags, followed by the quilt and pillows. When our makeshift bed is made in front of the fire, I hold out my hand. “Do you need to use the restroom, or are you ready for bed now?”

She hitches her thumb toward the hallway. “I’d like to use the restroom.”

When I nod, she disappears, closing the door to the bathroom softly behind her. I quickly move to the kitchen and start to make two mugs of hot cocoa. It’s her favorite, which is why I brought all the stuff for our night in the cabin. While the milk is heating, I double-check the door locks, even though I know they’re already secure. I will never risk her safety, and verifying the doors are secured are vital.

Just as I’m pouring the milk into the mugs of powder, I hear the bathroom door open. Moments later, she rounds the corner like the fucking goddess she is, her hair a little wild and wearing one of my T-shirts. Weird, because I didn’t bring that shirt here.

Ellie notices and drops her eyes to the black shirt with the hardware store logo across the front. “Uhh, I might have borrowed this.”

“That’s fine,” I assure her, stirring the first mug. “It looks way better on you anyway.”

She blushes. “I don’t know about that.”

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