Page 83 of Pretty Dependable

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The crowd cheers for us as we walk along the track, following the line of others being honored tonight. I spot the football team standing along the track, holding out their hands and high-fiving their fellow classmates and teammates as they pass. Brody accepts a plaque from the principal before holding out his hand and being greeted by the rest of the team.

When we near the end of the line, I spot a familiar face standing amongst the coaches. His smile is wide and as equally proud as the one I wear on my face. As we approach, Brody releases my arm and throws his around TD’s neck. TD returns the gesture, hugging my boy tightly to his chest and tapping his pads a few times before releasing him. That’s when Brody reaches for TD’s arm and pulls him out of the line, right beside him.

Realization hits me square in the heart, and I can see the moment it hits TD too.

Brody links his arm back through mine and keeps the other one on TD before taking a step forward. TD looks my way, confusion and worry etched on his gorgeous face. He understands what my son is doing and seeks my approval. All I can do is nod and give him a watery smile. The tears I’ve been fighting start to fall. My son doesn’t just have me, but my friends too. They’ve been part of his life since birth, and he’s including the man who has been the biggest father figure in his life on this important night.

I couldn’t be prouder of the man he is becoming.

Taking a step forward, I turn my attention back to the bleachers. I spot Hallie standing up, taking photos, so I pause for a moment and point her out to Brody. He turns to face the stands and pulls me to his side. TD goes to take a step back, but my son stops him in his tracks. “I want you beside me too, TD. Family isn’t always blood. Family is the people who step up and refuse to walk away.”

I don’t care that I’ll look horrible, a crying mess in all the photos, I’ll cherish this moment—this night—for the rest of my life.

TD’s eyes turn glassy as he places his right hand on Brody’s shoulder and steps up beside him. We take a quick photo together, and even though we’re ushered along, his words are forever etched in my heart, and as I glance over at TD, I can tell they’re written on his too.

We pause long enough to take a second photo for the school photographer before moving to where the rest of the honorees are lined up. Once everyone has been announced, Brody turns to TD. “Shall we get to the locker room and get the team ready for the second half?”

TD just smiles. “Yes, Brode, we shall.”

Brody turns to me, that boyish grin I’ve always loved on his face. “Thanks, Mom, for the gift. I love you,” he tells me before wrapping his sweaty arms around me and hugging me tightly.

“Love you more than you’ll ever know, Brody,” I whisper, my voice hoarse and dry.

He pulls back and meets my gaze. “I do know, Mom.” Then he turns to TD and holds out his hand. “Thanks for walking with us. It felt right to have you there. You’ve been by my side since I was little.”

TD grins as he reaches for my son’s hand, but I can see the battle in his eyes to keep his emotions in check. “Honored to be included, and just so you know, there’s no place I’d rather be.”

Cue. The. Waterworks.

My heart is so full, it might actually burst in my chest. Watching their exchange just cements my feelings for this man. I’m completely smitten. So in love with him, I can’t understand why I didn’t risk it all years ago. All these years we could have been more than just friends. A wave of sadness washes over me as I think about that point, but I refuse to let it get me down.

Tonight is about Brody, and there’s no time to rehash my mistakes and fears.

“See you after the game, Mom,” Brody says, taking a step back to head to the locker room.

“Me too,” TD adds, leaning in and kissing me on the lips.

Right there.

In the middle of the track.

In front of everyone.

My cheeks are suddenly really warm as he pulls back and grins. With a wink, he jogs off with my son so they can prepare for the second half of the football game. I want to cover my face, hide my embarrassment at the very public display of affection. However, as I turn around and notice all the other parents slowly making their way off the track, barely anyone is paying any attention to me. And if they are, so what? TD and I are in a relationship, and do you know what? I’m proud of it.

Smiling, I follow behind the others as we make our way toward the gate. As I pass the end of the bleachers, I glance up and almost gasp. Sitting in the crowd is Helena and Allen Davidson.

Brody’s biological grandparents on his father’s side.

My heart starts to pound in my chest as I force myself to take one step forward, followed by another. I pass the entrance to the bleachers, opting to walk all the way around to the other side so I don’t have to pass where they sit.

I’ve seen the Davidsons over the years, but never at something pertaining to Brody. They rarely come into the diner, and when they do, they ask to be seated in someone else’s section if I’m working. I’ve run into them on occasion at the grocery store or other public places, but they quickly turn away. I haven’t spoken a single word to either of them in eighteen years. Not since they called me names and refused to even consider their precious son, Rusty, was the father of my unborn baby. He, of course, proclaimed it wasn’t true, and they believed him.

My heart still aches over the betrayal.

Not because I still have feelings for him, but for other reasons all surrounding my son. We were fairly new in our relationship, just barely seventeen and eighteen ourselves. We were at the beginning of our senior year of high school, and I thought what we had was love. I gave him my virginity.

He gave me a child.
