Page 10 of Pretty Drunk

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I glance at the purse sitting on the seat and mutter, “In my purse.”

Logan walks around and tries the other doors, just in case, but I know it’s useless. I remember hitting the lock button after I dropped my stuff in my vehicle. They’ll all be locked. I lean back against the Jeep and close my eyes, the exhaustion of the day and the alcohol starting to lull me to sleep.

“Okay, plan B. I’m guessing you have a spare key, right?”

I nod. “In the basket on my counter. In my locked condo, which I can’t get into because that key is in my vehicle too.”

“All right,” he says, walking back over to where I rest. “No spare house key hidden under a flowerpot?”

“Nope,” I announce, popping the P before standing up straight and swaying. “Gabe has that, and he’s dealing with Blair and making babies.”

“Okay, so short of breaking and entering, we need another option,” he states, running his hand down his face. “Come on, Cupcake. You’re going to my place for the night.”

Before I can open my mouth, he reaches down and picks me up. “What the hell are you doing?” I holler, wiggling in his embrace.

“Stop it or I’ll drop you,” he states with a grunt when my elbow connects with his chest.

“Where are you taking me?”

Logan pauses and exhales. “I’m taking you to my place. Unless you want me to take you to your brother’s, where he’s tending to Blair and making babies and stuff.”

“Eww, gross,” I mumble.

“All right, so we’re about out of options. You can crash at my place for the night, and in the morning, when we come back here to help TD and Ellie finish cleaning up, we can have Gabe bring the spare key to your condo. Deal?”

In my drunken state, I struggle to come up with another logical possibility for the evening. One that doesn’t involve me sleeping in Logan’s guest room, under his roof, in the same space as him. Unfortunately, no other route seems convenient or reasonable. Showing up at my parents’ house this late would rate about the same as showing up on my brother’s doorstep, and all my friends are either home and sleeping by now or enjoying their wedding night.

And I’m not interrupting that.

“What do you say, Hal? Wanna crash at my place?”

I want to argue and find some other option. Any other option that doesn’t involve sleeping inside on the couch and possibly disturbing Brody and Morgan, but it appears I’m about out of choices. Plus, the alcohol is really starting to work its magic, and the sooner I get to bed, the better I’ll be. “Ugh, fine,” I grumble, closing my eyes and letting the scent of his cologne and the feel of his strong arms wrap around me like a warm blanket.

We start to move, and I force my eyes open. “I can walk,” I insist before the heaviness of my eyelids closes them once more.

“I’m not so sure about that,” he wisecracks, the smirk on his lips heard in his reply.

Deciding not to argue—might be a first for me—I snuggle into his body and relax. I mean, if the man wants to carry me to his house, who am I to stop him? “I’m not sleeping with you,” I whisper. The act of speaking causes my lips to brush against his neck, and I’ll admit, I might leave them there for a few seconds.

Oh, that’s definitely the alcohol talking…

Logan tenses but doesn’t stop moving. “I’m not taking you back to my house to take advantage of you, Hallie. You’re safe with me.”

“I know,” I whisper, shifting to get closer to his amazing scent, “but I haven’t decided if you’re safe with me yet.” The confession rolls off my lips so easily, there’s no chance to stop it.

Logan chuckles, the low, gravelly sound going straight to the undersexed apex of my legs. “Good to know, Cupcake. Good to know.”

I wonder how he’s able to carry me so easily. I mean, I know Logan’s strong, but I’m not one of those tiny little Barbie dolls like his ex-wife. I’ve got thighs and an ass. Oh, and great boobs. More than a handful, that’s for sure. I’m sure it’s not easy carrying me from TD and Ellie’s place around the block to Logan’s. I should definitely walk…

I’m jostled awake a moment later as I’m placed on a soft, warm surface. A groan echoes through the space around me as I try to open my eyes, but for some reason, they’re extra heavy. Too heavy to open. “Logan?”

“I’m here, Hal,” he murmurs close to my ear. “Get some sleep.”

I curl into my side and burrow into the pillow as a cool blanket is pulled up and placed on my body. “Smells like you,” I purr, inhaling the scent of his shampoo, bodywash, and laundry detergent.

He doesn’t reply, just places his lips on my forehead and slowly backs away.

There are so many things I should do. I should get up and change out of my bridesmaid dress. I should brush my hair and teeth and use the bathroom. I should take some Tylenol and drink some water, because I know I’m going to be feeling like crap in the morning.
