Page 27 of Pretty Drunk

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“It’s the best, but there’s rarely any left. Any time they have it for the lunch special, this place is packed,” I say, wishing I would have ordered it for lunch earlier today. Unfortunately, the truck came right before the noon hour, and by the time we had it unloaded, it was well after lunch. I ended up eating a microwave frozen meal of some sort I had stuffed in the freezer in the break room.

It wasn’t good.

My mouth waters as I scan the menu. Tonight’s special is a grilled chicken salad, and while that sounds good on a hot July day, it’s not what I’m looking for as my dinner. I’m going to need sustenance and a lot of it.

“Logan, before I forget, we’re getting together for dinner at Shiner’s on Friday night for Hallie’s birthday. We’re meeting at six,” Ellie says as she sets our drinks down on the table.

“Oh, Hallie! How is that lovely lady?” Gram asks, practically cooing as she speaks of her.

“She’s doing well. I haven’t seen her since the wedding, but we texted a little last night. She seemed to enjoy herself quite a bit,” Ellie tells my grandma, referring to all the wine Hallie consumed.

My dick, of course, recalls exactly how much it enjoyed her Saturday night and starts to get hard. I actually have to direct my attention to the older woman sitting beside me in order to get it to go down. No one sports a hard-on while talking to Grandma.

“Well, that’s perfectly acceptable. Weddings are a time for celebration,” Gram announces. “By the way, any chance Saul has that delicious meatloaf left from lunch?” She adds a hopeful grin for good measure.

“Actually,” Ellie says, leaning over the table and getting closer and glancing from side to side, “There may be a plate or two still in the back.”

Gram gasps. “Really? What would an old lady have to do to get one of those plates?”

Ellie beams. “Absolutely nothing. If you want it, it’s yours. Just don’t tell TD. I just told him I was certain we were out.” She winks at the woman beside me.

I bark out a laugh and Gram nods in understanding. “Your secret is safe with me, dear. I’ll take the meatloaf special.”

“And for you?” Ellie asks my mom after writing down my grandma’s order.

“I’ll take the grilled chicken salad special with ranch dressing, please.”

Ellie writes and asks, “Logan?”

“Chicken fried steak,” I reply, setting my menu on the table with the other two.

“Mashed potatoes okay?”

“Yep. And if you throw extra gravy on them, I won’t complain.”

She chuckles and grabs the menus. “Got it. Your food will be out shortly.”

Once she walks away, Gram states, “I’ve always loved that woman.”

I lean back, throwing my arm on the top of the booth behind her. “You only like her because she’s bringing you meatloaf.”

A wicked grin spreads across her face. “I liked her before that. That just pushes my adoration over the top.”

The door chimes with another arrival, and in true small-town fashion, everyone turns to see who it is. Morgan and Brody step in, but when he continues to hold open the door, I realize it’s for another patron.


Brody spots me and waves, and when I return the gesture, Hallie turns my way to see who he was waving to. As the young couple heads for the table where TD sits, the woman I spent an unforgettable time with just two nights ago gives us a hesitant, yet polite wave.

“Oh, Hallie, dear!” Gram hollers, signaling her over.

My eyes rake over Hallie as she slowly approaches our table. She’s wearing little cutoff jean shorts with a formfitting tank top, and on her feet is a pair of black flip-flops that show off her hot pink toenail polish. Her hair is pulled up in a ponytail at the top of her head, and wildly enough, considering my present company, all I can think about is wrapping that hair around my fist and giving it a slight tug as I slide into her pussy from behind.

My grandma’s boney elbow slams into my side, causing me to huff out a harsh breath. When I turn my narrowed eyes her way, she’s smiling sweetly at me and waiting expectantly. “What?” I ask, confused by her assault.

“I said Hallie looks so pretty today and asked if you agreed,” Gram harps, a glint of mischief in her eyes.

“Oh, yes. Pretty,” I reply without even looking at the woman now standing beside our table.
